Patrick Stewart Backs the Beleaguered Bakers Crucified by Liberal Media

Occasionally even a Hollywood insider can use his brain and come to logically sound conclusions. Such is the case with Patrick Stewart, who recently came out in support of the Christian owners of Ashers Bakery in Oregon, who were recently fined for “discrimination”:

Stewart argued that nobody should be forced to write specific text that they disagreed with.

“It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them,” said Stewart. “It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

He continued: “I would support their rights to say no, this is personally offensive to my beliefs, I will not do it.”

The text to which Patrick Stewart referred was “Support Gay Marriage” underneath a picture of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. It’s pretty amazing how this whole thing transpired. If you think about it, what kind of a wedding cake is this, anyway? I would think most heterosexual couples, even ones who are very much opposed to homosexual marriage, would not use their wedding as a political soapbox.

You probably haven’t heard of many stories of heterosexual couples being denied service at homosexual bakeries. I’m sure this has happened, especially if the heterosexual couple wanted “Support Traditional Marriage” written on their wedding cake. But you don’t really hear about it, for a number of reasons. First, no one cares. Second, heterosexual couples generally don’t do this sort of thing. Because their wedding is about their union, not about politics. Or it shouldn’t be anyway.

Homosexuals have a long way to go. For one, they should probably stop defining themselves solely on the basis of their sexual orientation. I think everyone is defined by and worth much more than that. Secondly, it would be nice if they allowed other people to have the same kind of diversity in lifestyle and thinking that they demand for themselves. Patrick Stewart gets that. And he’s not anti-homosexual either. One of his most prominent friends is Ian McKellen, an outspoken homosexual. How long before others follow suit? I’m not holding my breath.

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