I Say “Limited Government,” They Hear “Anti-Government”

I do not consider the libertarian or true conservative movement to be inherently anti-government. But according to a growing number of “progressives,” anyone who seeks to limit the federal government’s regulations and interventions is automatically “anti-government.” You’ll notice that any gridlock in Congress is considered an evil: Democrats will accuse Constitutionalists of “keeping the government […]

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Obama’s Anti-Terror Strategy is to Keep Losing Like We Have Been

Obama’s commitment to continue the current American anti-terror strategy has managed to upset both sides of the argument. At this point, Obama doesn’t have much to lose. He has a dwindling number of final days in the Oval Office, and he has made it clear that he intends to pursue his own brand of policy […]

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There Are No Half Measures That Can Fix Gun Violence

The main problem with all of the proposed fixes for gun violence in the US is that only extreme measures will make any difference, and extreme measures aren’t going to fly in centrist central DC. Let’s look at the polar extreme fixes that might work: 1) Absolute totalitarianism Now hold on before you get all […]

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Keep Telling Yourself You Live in a Free Country

“Land of the free, home of the brave” doesn’t apply to the US anymore, but don’t tell that to the brainwashed sheeple still singing it at the top of their lungs. The flat fact is that we’re not brave, no matter which side of the aisle we’re cowering in. As a country, we are motivated […]

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Pundits Quick to Blame Snowden for Paris Attacks

If the aftermath of 9/11 taught us anything, it is that centralized governments slouching toward totalitarianism never let a crisis go to waste. And, in a corollary, citizens are far more credulous and trusting when they have just experienced a trauma. So, in the wake of the Paris attacks, it doesn’t surprise me at all […]

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The Centralization of Power is Responsible for the Death of Political Discourse

Are you curious why politics has become so polarized? I believe it is because politics have become so centralized. It’s not hard to understand the dynamics. When politics is decentralized, political discourse has less at stake. And it is easier to facilitate communication among a small community than over a vast nation. If all you […]

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Airbnb Responds to SF Hotel Tax with Snarky Ad Campaign

Airbnb is quite upset about being forced to pay hotel taxes by the city of San Francisco. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Airbnb is an online platform people can use to rent out rooms from their own homes to other people who wouldn’t mind lodging with a stranger. It’s a cool concept. […]

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Social Security Will Not Get Cost of Living Adjustment in 2016

People on Social Security “benefits” will not see a cost-of-living increase in 2016. This is only the third time since 1975 that this has happened, and Social Security recipients are not happy about it for obvious reasons: The annual cost of living adjustment, or COLA, is based on the government’s measure of inflation. This year’s […]

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Are You a Hypocrite for Supporting Gun Rights and Opposing Abortion?

Lots of leftists love to point out the “blatant hypocrisy” of supporting gun rights (or the death penalty, on a different topic) while opposing abortion. Recently, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah commented: Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more, well, pro-life. But right now, [pro-lifers are] more like comic […]

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