Three Powers, Pt. 14: More on Internal and External Standards
Michael explores internal and external standards for values of good, right, and true, emphasizing the balance between individual and collective values.
Continue reading →Michael explores internal and external standards for values of good, right, and true, emphasizing the balance between individual and collective values.
Continue reading →Few things are more important for the scientific method than verifiability. Scientific models need to be verifiable in order to be scientific, which means that evidence to confirm a theory must be possible (you’d think this was obvious … it’s not). And usually evidence must be plentiful before a theory can reach a state of […]
Continue reading →Evolutionists have carefully manicured a grand pretense that most Americans rarely question: that the materialists in white lab coats are dedicated to neutrally observing the evidence and the facts without any ideological or religious prejudices to cloud their clear judgment. Ancillary to this pretense is the lie that Christian scientists, blinded by religious bias, cannot […]
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