Three Powers, Pt. 13: More on the Affections
Michael delves into the dynamics of the affections and their ordering. He lays out foundational concepts for affective change, suggesting initial steps for processing emotions.
Continue reading →Michael delves into the dynamics of the affections and their ordering. He lays out foundational concepts for affective change, suggesting initial steps for processing emotions.
Continue reading →Michael addresses self-awareness and its challenges due to overlapping powers. He categorizes these overlaps: desire connects will and affections, plan connects will and intellect, and dream connects intellect and affections. Standards for these overlaps are habit for desire, conviction for plan, and taste for dream. Resolving conflicts in the three powers generally happens in the overlaps or agreements of the powers
Continue reading →Michael explores the historical devaluation of the affections, providing biblically-informed objections to this trend. He differentiates between affections and emotions, offering insights on how to properly order and cultivate the affections.
Continue reading →According to one study, 64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women look at porn at least once a month. Those numbers aren’t all that different from the statistics of non-Christians. Is it at all strange to you that pornography is so popular? It’s singularly one of the most tacky things on the planet. […]
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