Congressional Approval Rating in Single Digits

Well, it’s official. In thirty-nine years of surveying, Gallup has never seen a single-digit approval rating for Congress. Until now! Americans straight up despise Congress, with only 9% of Americans giving Congress the thumbs up. The approval rating wasn’t even this low during the shutdown. I’m guessing people aren’t even paying attention to current events […]

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Test Results for Vaccines Falsified by Big Pharmacy Company?

I never know what to think about news stories on big pharmacy and big medicine. On the one hand, I’m open to believing that there is a global Malthusian conspiracy aimed at destroying our health, or that, at least, corporations in our day generally care more about money than they do about ethical uprightness. But […]

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Same-Sex Marriage: A More Perfect Union?

On Tuesday, Illinois voted to become the 15th state to legalize homosexual marriage. Michelle and Barack Obama were overjoyed. In a speech, Obama congratulated his home state with some glowing words of praise: Tonight, I applaud the men and women of the Illinois General Assembly, a body in which I was proud to serve, for […]

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Net Neutrality Threatened By Federal Court Decision

According to an article in Wired, net neutrality is being threatened by an impending decision by the DC Circuit court, apparently the highest court in the land second only to the Supreme Court. Net neutrality is the doctrine that ISPs like Comcast and AT&T may not play favorites with some sites over others, and that […]

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Ebay Criticized for Listing Holocaust Items

Ebay, the online auction giant, recently posted an apology for some items listed on its site that apparently contradicted its terms of use. Someone on the site was apparently trying to sell items related to the Holocaust. When eBay found out about the items, it removed them and offered a public apology to anyone who […]

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Alabama Blogger Roger Shuler Jailed for Writing About Ex-Governor’s Son

Roger Shuler was recently jailed at the tail end of a fairly protracted battle against the Alabama political establishment. The story goes like this: Shuler writes a blog about political stuff. He apparently found out through undisclosed sources that Rob Riley, son of Bob Riley—former Republican governor of Alabama, had an affair. Shuler mentions it […]

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What to Do on Election Tuesday

It may be tempting for our faithful readers, most of whom label themselves conservatives, to punish the Republican party by voting Democrat this election Tuesday. Certainly, the GOP has lost touch with its ideological roots. But let me recommend something else. First, we need to realize that politics can’t change people. Especially in a representative […]

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XinHua, China’s Official News Agency, Blasts NSA Spying

This is rich. First, Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent, scolded Obama and America for its interventionist imperialism in Syria. That in itself would have been bad enough. But now, the official (i.e., state-controlled) news agency for China, XinHua, has joined in the chorus of foreign powers who take umbrage at America’s indiscriminate surveillance dragnet. […]

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Bernie Sanders, Leftist “Logic,” and Social Security

In an article in USA Today, ((I think it is odd how many politicians write partisan opinion pieces for major news outlets. It seems obvious to me that fair and unbiased news is less than likely to come from professional liars with a vested interest in swaying public opinion. But alas…)) Bernie Sanders, the Democrat […]

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