Ben Carson Rails Against Evolution

Ben Carson loves nettling leftists. He’s particularly suited for it. He has all the qualities leftists want for members of their team—he’s black, philanthropic, well-educated, successful, well-spoken, and well-liked in his community. But he is decidedly not on the left’s side. In fact, he’s more in their side like a stubborn thorn. In his most recent […]

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Darwinism and Racism: A Short History

It was not until the 18th century that serious attempts were made to systematize racial divisions. Most of these divisions merged pseudo-science and folklore to create a mythos of race that has not yet been fully exterminated, even though mountains and mountains of scientific evidence point to the absolute genetical insignificance of racial distinctions. The […]

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Abiotic Oil: Is “Fossil Fuel” a Misnomer?

Wikipedia defines “fossil fuels” as “fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years.” If this is true, fossil fuels are not being made anymore. This would mean then that oil is a fixed-quantity, non-renewable […]

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