I Say “Limited Government,” They Hear “Anti-Government”

I do not consider the libertarian or true conservative movement to be inherently anti-government. But according to a growing number of “progressives,” anyone who seeks to limit the federal government’s regulations and interventions is automatically “anti-government.” You’ll notice that any gridlock in Congress is considered an evil: Democrats will accuse Constitutionalists of “keeping the government […]

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Surprise: Rich Donors Leaned Democrat in the Midterms

Well, the data is in, and it is clear yet again: the really rich donors leaned Democrat this midterm election. With all the propaganda pouring out of the mills about Republican Super PACs, and Citizens United, and the Koch brothers, and GOP cronyism, and blah blah blah, you would think that the only supporters of […]

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Why Do the Koch Brothers Care About Bus Rapid Transit?

Some laws don’t make a lot of sense to me. The Tennessee Senate passed a bill that would make bus rapid transit systems illegal in basically the only places in Tennessee where they are being proposed, including Nashville. It has recently come to light that the Tennessee branch of Americans for Prosperity (founded and funded […]

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