What I’ve Been Thinking About Since Trump Won
Some post-election thoughts now that Donald Trump is President Elect of the United States. Are all his supporters racists and sexists? Who is to blame?
Continue reading →Some post-election thoughts now that Donald Trump is President Elect of the United States. Are all his supporters racists and sexists? Who is to blame?
Continue reading →What would it take for conservatives to dump Donald Trump? This is not a rhetorical question.
Continue reading →Bain Capital, the private equity firm that Mitt Romney founded, is throwing a big election fundraiser in February. You will not believe who it is for.
Continue reading →Yay! After much searching, I finally stumbled on a reason for rejoicing in the 2016 election—it might mark the death of two-party politics. Most of us thought we would never see this day. We thought upending the two-party system would take a charismatic third-party candidate with cross-over appeal to sweep the middle voters off their […]
Continue reading →A new study out of Cornell University indicates that Americans are too stupid for democracy to work: The research, led by David Dunning, a psychologist at Cornell University, shows that incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people’s ideas. For example, if people lack expertise […]
Continue reading →McDonald’s is the butt of a lot of jokes. Especially ones that involve tacky, horrible, ugly things that people still buy anyway. Comedian Jim Gaffigan has a whole routine on his embarrassing love for McDonald’s: I reference McDonald’s a lot ’cause I go to McDonalds. I love the silence that follows that statement—like I just […]
Continue reading →Apparently, Hillary Clinton didn’t get quite enough derision for faking a southern accent in the lead up to the 2008 Presidential Election. She’s at it again, and boy is it bad: Hillary Clinton has started faking a Southern drawl to speak to Southerners, just as she did during her last presidential run eight years ago. […]
Continue reading →I thought Al Gore would have cracked first, but Hillary Clinton recently stunned Buzzfeed’s Another Round with the straightforward admission that she is in fact a robot built in a Palo Alto garage. Just as we always suspected: HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. […]
Continue reading →Hillary Clinton recently sat for an interview with Lena Dunham from the HBO series Girls. During the interview, Clinton had some advice for less-than-enthusiastic voters: Whenever I’m talking to young women about politics, I always say, look, you don’t have to run for office, you don’t have to be actively involved, but you do have […]
Continue reading →Hillary Clinton seems like the natural Democrat choice for women in the Democrat party, but a recent poll indicates that her support there is waning sharply: Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first […]
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