Bill Gates Apparently Doesn’t Understand How the Private Sector Works

Given the amount of money Bill Gates has made, one would think he already understood how the private sector works. But his recent comments concerning green energy research and the public and private sector makes me think he has no idea what he’s talking about: Yes, the government will be somewhat inept… But the private […]

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Fannie Mae Is At It Again!

Mortgage giant Fannie Mae, the too-big-to-fail bailout beneficiary, is apparently at it again—doing everything in its power to sink the economy into another recession: The Federal Housing Finance Agency inspector general said its latest concerns involve Fannie Mae’s “haphazard” decision to fill a critical auditor position with an employee who lacked proper qualifications and suffered from […]

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GM is Alive; At Least Twelve GM Owners Are Not

For me, the most frustrating part of the massive bailout for the failing big businesses of America (like GM and the big banking interests) is not how much money the taxpayers had to shell out (though that was rather frustrating). It’s one simple fact—the bailouts propped up businesses that should have died. The bailouts rewarded […]

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Citizens of Iceland Overthrow Government Over Bank Fraud

Consider a country where banking interests balloon debt by lending to people who cannot possibly pay back their loans. These toxic assets then threaten to destroy the national economy. Banking interests plead with the civil government to rescue them for the sake of the economy. The civil government bails them out with taxpayer money. Sound […]

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