Think Vaccine Deniers Pose a Public Health Risk? What About Antibiotics?

The use, overuse, and abuse of antibiotics potentially poses a greater public health risk than the declining implementation of vaccines: Antibiotics misuse can be costly and deadly. Last year, the CDC reported 23,000 annual deaths and 2 million sicknesses stemming from improper antibiotic use. After bacteria builds up a resistance to prescribed antibiotics, health care workers have […]

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Why Isn’t Anyone Angry Over Failing Vaccines from Merck?

In the wake of the recent measles “outbreak” that affected a few dozen people, pro-vaxxers got the anger machine churning over all the anti-vaxxers who have threatened the safety, health, and herd immunity of the whole population by their close-minded, superstitious, anti-science selfishness. But one of the real devils contributing to the declining efficacy of vaccines […]

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