The Placenta and the Abortion Question

A recent article in the New York Times underscores the very small amount of information doctors and researchers have about the mysterious placenta—the organ that grows out of a new embryo and immediately starts siphoning nutrients out of a new mother’s blood. The article is quite fascinating, but it brings up some very important questions concerning […]

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Floyd Mayweather and What Leftists Hate More than Racism

Floyd Mayweather recently sent out a tweet about the real reason he broke up with his ex-fiancee Shantel Jackson: she aborted his twins. Mayweather wanted to keep the kids, but his ex-fiancee decided to kill them. She told him at first that it was a miscarriage, but when the truth came out, Mayweather broke up […]

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Gender Selection Abortion and Leftist Irrationality

There is apparently a “scandal” going on in Britain surrounding the Crown Prosecution Service’s recent decision not to prosecute two abortionists very clearly caught offering illegal gender selection abortions—an abortion performed for no other reason than that the parents don’t like the gender of their unborn baby. According to the Abortion Act of 1967, abortion […]

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The Curious Case of Megan Huntsman

It is uncanny how easy it is for human beings to see things so clearly in some situations, but fail to see a correlation in parallel circumstances. Let me tell you a story from Utah about a woman named Megan Huntsman. Megan Huntsman had three children already—two teenagers and an adult. And she didn’t feel […]

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Forty-One Year Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the landmark decision in the Supreme Court that legalized the murder of unborn babies. It’s Roe v. Wade’s birthday. Although I think it would be perverse to call it that, since Roe v. Wade has as its sole purpose the revocation of birthdays. Since 1973, fifty-seven million unborn babies have […]

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What to Do on Election Tuesday

It may be tempting for our faithful readers, most of whom label themselves conservatives, to punish the Republican party by voting Democrat this election Tuesday. Certainly, the GOP has lost touch with its ideological roots. But let me recommend something else. First, we need to realize that politics can’t change people. Especially in a representative […]

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