Santa Barbara Mass Shooter a Perfect Product of Hollywood

Richard Martinez , a grieving father of one of the victims of the recent Santa Barbara mass shooting, offered his explanation for who was to blame for his son’s death:

Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights, what about Chris’s right to live? When will this insanity stop? . . . When will enough people say, “Stop this madness.” We do not have to live like this. Too many people have died. We should say to ourselves, “Not. One. More.”

I feel bad for this guy. I really do. But his argument is invalid. It’s based entirely on his emotional response to a terrible event. Let him tell the grieving mothers of Chicago that gun control measures work. They don’t.

I’m sad that anyone had to die because of the self-obsessed piece of work that flew around in his BMW shooting at people with legally purchased guns. But what do the NRA or “craven” politicians have to do with that? How many more people would die if no one had guns legally?

If you really need to blame anyone other than the idiot who actually pulled the trigger, why not blame the people that actually influenced this young man’s attitude of entitlement and self-obsession: his parents, for one. And the culture of Hollywood.

Few people are reporting on the fact that the shooter’s father was the second unit director for The Hunger Games. A Hollywood insider. The family had apparently called police multiple times to ask them to check on the shooter. The family was worried about the shooter’s mental health.

Do you understand how ridiculous that is? The family called the police to check up on their boy. That’s not the job of the civil government, is it? I guess it is if you’re from Hollywood. It’s the civil government’s job to take care of everything.

Ironically, the very attitude that compelled Richard Martinez to cry out for gun control is the attitude that created the shooter in the first place. An attitude that refuses to take personal responsibility. That refuses to work out anything voluntarily.

This is the attitude that idolizes children, promises them the moon and stars, buys them shiny black BMWs, sends them to schools beyond their educational capacity, fills them with a false and inflated self-image, teaches them instant gratification, and then moans for the civil government to intervene when one of these little brats starts shooting the others.

What did you expect? The shooter had a post-pubescent body and a K-5 mind: he was a whiny narcissistic sniveler upset that the world couldn’t care less about his petulant selfie vlog. And he was going to get revenge that the world his parents promised wasn’t the world he had actually gotten. He had graduated from nanny-nanny-boo-boos to semi-automatic pistols. But his heart was still as petulant as a toddlers. A perfect product of Hollywood.

138 responses

  1. Exactly WHERE did he get the guns? I haven’t read that in ANY of the news letters I get. He was 20, & in most states you have to be 21 to buy hand guns, 18 for a rifle or shotgun. Somebody either gave the guns to him, he lied to get the guns, or he stole them, probably from his parents.

    • He was 22 and purchased them legally which is further proof that the CA gun laws are useless and meddlesome. He also stabbed 3 roommates to death before shooting, then went on an hit-and-run spree with his BMW. So he used knives, guns and a car. May I add that it was a gun that finally put an end to his spree.

    • Exactly. Also, I read in another column mental patients shouldn’t be able to buy guns…well, they are not able in Texas. I went to the gun range with my friend and was looking at buying a small handgun years ago. I looked at all the forms one had to fill out, and was almost ready. On the forms you had to tell if you had mental medical treatment, etc. I decided someone might take the gun away from me and shoot me with it as they did a person who cleaned my house had happen to her! But, I’m pro-life and pro-guns to the right people.

      • If you define anyone seeking treatment as a “mental patient,” that is an overstatement. People confined to mental hospitals or having court orders declaring them mentally incompetent are strong candidates for gun prohibition,but look at what was dome in the USSR and even a little here, where it was used as a political weapon.

  2. Someone forgot to tell him that Hollywood only uses blank bullets, and computer graphic’s.

      • You can just read my post above at the funeral starting with “Raising a child” Is it cold? Damn straight, but not everyone got a trophy when I grew up, only the best. We haven’t even heard about the other kids that were killed, only this deluded father that thinks guns are to blame. Guns are not to blame, BAD PARENTS, AND BAD DOCTORS ARE.

  3. The medical industry kills about 200,000 yearly, by their own admission! Want to save lives? Ban doctors! Google ‘medical deaths’ and get educated – guns are not the problem – doctors are.

    • We’re supposed to be safer if we all had guns. Would the world be safer is every country had nuclear weapons?

      • We don’t all own guns so we can’t know if that’s true or not. Also, most countries can’t afford nuclear weapons, so that is not a issue. Nuclear weapons are a two edged sword. They can keep you from being invaded but you have to have highly trained personnel and you have to have a lot of security to keep them safe.

    • “Ban doctors, not guns”.

      Welcome to the perfect false equivalency example 101 ~ for you young critical thinking skills students.

  4. Gee Are we sure it isn’t another false flag, I mean after all who better to pull off script like this, Daddy is in the movie making business????

  5. He was also a mass stabber and a mass hit-and-runner but no speeches about the AAA or knife control. And most of all, not covered by our press but by the British papers, is that racially he was half Chinese. Not that that matters to me but the Libs keep score on this front. (I believe Michael Moore bloviated about privileged whites being the biggest terrorists.) Oh, and don’t forget that he was also the product of a divorce and a father who sells online photos of naked women.

        • “Obama is the best gun salesman EVAH!”

          After doing some research, I strongly disagree. The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre’s 6 CPAC speeches, plus many internet rumors like the one below sells guns to well-meaning but hustled Americans.


          Q: Does the Obama administration intend to “force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for U.S. citizens” through a United Nations treaty?

          A: No. The administration plans to negotiate a treaty to regulate the international export and import of weapons.

          It says that it won’t support any treaty that regulates the domestic transfer or ownership of weapons, or that infringes on the Second Amendment.

          Detailed Answer
          A chain email that we debunked back in 2009 is making the rounds again. But nothing has changed in more than two years that would make the message any more true.

          Its author claims that Obama “intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations.” That’s a reference to a potential United Nations treaty to regulate the global trade of conventional weapons.

          “On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States,” the author of the chain email writes, referring to the Obama administration’s announcement in October 2009 that it would support a process that could lead to a treaty. “By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments.”

          First, we should note that Obama has said that the Second Amendment “does provide for Americans the right to bear arms for their protection, for their safety, for hunting, for a wide range of uses.” But if Obama actually wanted to “ban all firearms in the United States,” the strategy outlined in this email would be a curious way of trying to accomplish that goal.

          For starters, Obama wouldn’t be able to “bypass” Congress, as the author of this email claims.

          All international treaties that the U.S. agrees to require the approval of two-thirds of the senators present before the treaties can be ratified. Those would surely be tough votes to get if the treaty banned all firearms. Last year, in fact, 13 Democratic senators, led by Jon Tester of Montana, wrote a letter to Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying that they wouldn’t support a treaty unless they were guaranteed that it wouldn’t “in any way regulate the domestic manufacture, possession or sales of firearms or ammunition” in the U.S. That’s in addition to 45 Republican senators, led by Jerry Moran of Kansas, who also wrote a letter saying that “any treaty resulting from the Arms Trade Treaty process that seeks in any way to regulate the domestic manufacture, assembly, transfer, or purchase of firearms, ammunition, and related items would be completely unacceptable to us.”

          And even in the unlikely event that a treaty banning firearms managed to get through the Senate, it would almost certainly be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled just four years ago that the District of Columbia’s own ban on handguns violated residents’ Second Amendment rights.

          • LOL- you give far more credit to NRA than they deserve- there are 5MM NRA members and about 100MM gun owners, most of whom understand what the Second Amendment is all about and most agree that felons and mentally ill shouldn’t have guns, For goodness sake, it was NRA which brokered the 1994 “Assault weapons” ban. It was the rank and file private citizen membership pushing them to a harder line. They are opposed to registration schemes, which are what Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Sung had to disarm any potential freedom-minded opposition. The UN, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, Schumer, Nadler and all other Commies want nothing less than a total gun ban, They have already told us that.

            So, spin it any way you want, quote left wing “fact” sites, but the people WILL protect their 2nd Amendment rights.

      • Switzerland issues an assault rifle to all it’s citizens. They have the lowest crime rate in the civilized world. Liberals love these shooting incidents, as it provides them with another opportunity to push their gun control agenda. It’s not about guns, it’s about control. Check your history about countries that disarms the populace. The Founding Fathers understood this and created the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights, so that the citizenry could protect themselves against a tyrannical government. It’s obvious that liberals prefer a Statist government than one that reveres the Constitution and our freedoms. Liberals violate their Constitutional oaths and hold our military in disdain because they fight for our Constitutional rights. They would rather celebrate May Day, than Memorial Day or the 4th of July. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature, knows that Marxism doesn’t work. Apparently, liberals donot understand this.

      • Puleeze woonsocket! A biased “survey” done by two unqualified kweers and reported on by (the biased) ABC News. What’s the matter, couldn’t you find anything in the Huffington Post, or the Communist Workers Daily about the subject. What about the fact that where gun ownership is the highest, violent crime is the lowest and where gun ownership is lowest, violent crime is highest. What a stupid, ignorant, naive tool you are.

      • I notice that liberals always use the phrase “developed countries” when it comes to guns. That’s how they skew the numbers. If they include the other nations, then it would show that we are not the most violent country in the world.
        I think it’s racist to even omit the third world. Liberals seem to think that it’s okay to treat the third world like children and that’s why they ignore or omit all the violence and wars that are happening every day; that’s the only way they can claim we are the most violent.

        • good point – liberal paternalism and liberal low bar of expectation , their lack of self awareness is amazing

        • Exactly, it’s the liberal conspiracy of comparing ~ apples to apples.

          “that’s the only way [liberals] can claim we are the most violent”.

          There’s little disagreement on FOX News that America leads the stats on most violent gun deaths.

        • The violence at issue here is petty (for lack of a better word) criminal violence. You argument is for the article a few issues over, but don’t get me wrong you have a serious issue here with it’s own unique cause and effect issues. The UN reports that Great Britain is the most (No.1) violent industrialized (Developed) country with 1047 violent assaults per 100,000, the United States is 37th on the list with 463 violent assaults per 100,000. Violence is violence, the gun, knife, club, chain, rope, baseball bat, golf club, ash tray, etc…. are just tools like the wrench is to the plumber, saw to the carpenter, pliers to the electrician. The tools are not the issue, it’s the fact that one human being wants to inflict pain and suffering on another. The radical idealog notions of the left, which insist on depriving honest decent people of the tools to protect themselves, their families and their communities from evil people is a crime against humanity.

        • Final note the liberals avoid mentioning Great Britain’s failures, because they are failures of their radical drug induced ideals:

          1. Socialism, which creates low expectation, reduced productivity, reduced standards of living and high unemployment, which leads to masses of unemployed with no future that get bored and regress into violent antisocial behaviors.

          2. Socialized Medicine, which leads to developmental stagnation, severe lack of resourses, rationing, unreasonably long waits, bureaucratic tyranny and abuse and declining standard of care. (Déjà vu , images of the Vetrans Administration healthcare scandle come to mind!)

          3. Gun Control (In 1997 they banned handguns and all but a few hunting rifles and shotguns), which leads to weapons control, then a general outlawing of self defence, which emboldens the criminal element, which leads to more violent crime, increased gun crime (Manufacture of illegal guns has become a cottage industry like much like bathtub gin was during the United States prohibition era 1920-1933) and higher murder rates.

          Funny how liberals forgot to mention this.

      • Of course we will have more gun deaths than countries with no guns. But I said “CRIME” in general. So eliminating guns will not eliminate crime. I’m sure we have more traffic accidents that they do in North Korea as well…no? We also have more freedom (for now)and freedom is messy.

      • Remove the numbers generated by certain sub-sets of JUST the populations Chicago, Detroit and Miami, and suddenly US stats radically change; we are then a very peaceable citizenry…

      • Remove the numbers generated by certain sub-sets of JUST the populations Chicago, Detroit and Miami, and suddenly US stats radically change; we are then a very peaceable citizenry…

        Did I just get moderated out of here?

      • Don’t know much history, do you? How do you think the British Empire was able to literally take over countries all over the world that were much bigger than her? How do you think that Japan was able to overrun China at the start of the second world war?

        The Citizens of the United States of America need the 2nd Amendment more right now, than we have needed it in a very very very long time. We have a government that continuously flaunts the Constitution upon which this country was based.

        If there were no guns allowed this kid would have killed with anything he could get his hands on, in fact, he did. The parents dropped the ball. This kid was 22, going on 13. He never grew up, he had no sense of responsibility. Who’s fault is that?

        If push comes to shove, people like you will be cowering in the corner, while people like me are on the front line trying to keep this country from being taken over by religious fanatics, or by people like the current despot in charge.

        If it were up to people like you, the brave people that will stand up to oppression will be fighting against a tank with a butter knife.

  6. You said it!! You know, I had to find out all this stuff on the net, and still I have not heard the words “Hunger Games,” mentioned on TV.

  7. The guy was mentally ill.
    Had been since childhood.
    You’re such a sad silly person. Minkoff,
    pandering to the dolts you think are your target audience.

    • Minkoff conveniently left out most of the story about the victim’s father. Here’s part of what Mr. Martinez had to say about his son’s death and those children from the Sandy hook school;

      “Those parents lost little kids. It’s bad enough I lost my 20 year old. I
      had 20 years with my son,” he screamed through tears. “That’s all I’ll
      ever have. Those people lost their little 6- and 7-year-olds. How do you
      think they feel? And who’s talking to them now? Who’s doing anything
      for them now?”

      CNN News –

  8. The number of shameful things in this headline . . . . . .

    Nothing’s too soon or so morally poisoned than when the 2nd Amendment boys come sittin’ & typing.

    • Park it frank, by ANY measure there are more deaths caused by alcohol related car crashes than gun murders. Go lookup death by 5 gallon bucket and see how many toddlers die in them. The number of people that misuse guns is very very small when relating to the number of guns & gun owners. Just about all the shooters in the past have been insane or criminals. When you are willing to ban cars, hammers and 5 gallon buckets, come back again. In the mean time leave the honest, law abiding citizens alone.

      • “Ron” replied to my earlier post …. and exemplified my snarky take.

        As the owner of a couple of serious guns myself, do you folks get that the 2nd Amendment is fine & going nowhere?

        Problem is, the 2nd Amendment defenders are more bullet – ridden with wickedly politicized NRA/NGAA market share tactics, fear propaganda & false conspiracy predictions ~ than the bodies of Bonnie & Clyde in their final moments.

        Expect it to get worse. The NRA (only recently) has a membership challenger ~ the NGAA. Look, you build political non-profit memberships by identifying the uncharted positions first & filling that. Then go after your competitor’s membership by ratcheting up rhetoric & inflaming the political values. The competitor fights back & the ideological war is on!

        A formulaic business model exploited ~ esp. in non-profits. And let’s face it, too many gun nuts are …. too nuts about guns. But you don’t market to gun nuts ~ you market to your narrative symbolism: Freedom ~ Individualism ~ God ~ Country ~ Found Father references ~ rights, rights & more rights …… that are threatening to be taken away by the evil “other side”.

        And yes, there is an “other side” trying to eliminate guns. Those political non-profits have membership challenges too.

        But the 2nd Amendment is fine. Here’s an example: Want to buy a pack of cigarettes today? After 50 years of scientific proof smoking will cause you serious health problems, even death ….. cigarettes are everywhere. Some limitations exist ~ I remember my father bitching: “I fly from California to New York a couple of times a month ~ now I can’t even have one goddam cigarette in 5 hours? What the hell is going on?!!

        The pro-gun non-profits have zero advantage for any compromise, they didn’t build a powerful membership force by promising gun legislation compromise.

        Rhetoric, the threats of what you love ~ could be changing, is King. And Queen.

        • Frank, I think I mis-read your earlier post and I owe you an APOLOGY. It would appear that you are pro 2nd, but are tired of hearing the rhetoric. The problem comes when people blame the object and not the criminals and that spawns the defense. Nobody wants these shootings, especially honest gun owners. As for the cigs, I understand. Non-smoker here but Dad smoked 4 packs a day back in the 60’s. Yes they killed him eventually. I never even tried one, thought it was a dumb habit.
          Again,I apologize if I mis-read your post.

    • If you support Roe vs Wade then you are responsible for more Americans dying than all our enemies put together.

      • Sir, I’ve given earnest reflection to your opinion this morning.

        With sincere respect to your abortion views ~ I believe supporting or not supporting a United States Supreme Court decision, does not inherently or casually make citizens responsible for ~ or liberated from ~ its societal integration.

        Your opinion may fall under the category of Logical Fallacy in the discipline of critical thinking skills.

        Personalized accusations of culpability, however, are commonplace ~ and often surface on both sides of emotionally heartbreaking issues. [And a guaranteed fundraising gold mine for 501(C)3 non-profits ~ equally.

        Yes, I support Roe v. Wade. And no, I’ve never shared the 50% culpability required that ends in abortion.

        You’ve accused me of abortion culpability. And you accept abortion as murder, yes? The handful of men & women I’ve known who’ve had an abortion, tell me they never quite recover from it. Even decades later. Despite the fact they still feel the right decision was made at the time.

        That said, you had no idea whether my past involved an agreeable abortion. Or if I am grief-stricken from a disagreeable abortion ~ when you accused me of murder with “If you support”. Here-in lies my passionate uneasiness with your non-sequiter [unrelated gun issue] murder charge.

        This enthusiastic lack of affecting concern in the human toll an abortion may exact in people’s lives is where I come directly into the cross hairs & question your humanity. You’re disregarding completely, without hesitation, countless situations where men, single & married, desperately pleaded and failed in persuading a birth. You’re disregarding completely, without hesitation, countless situations where single and married women are feeling overwhelmed emotionally and/or financially. And you’re disregarding situations of suddenly rejected women (by the 50% responsible) are feeling suddenly erratic emotions in that moment, to have a child.

        Both examples reflect people who give great weight and value to the dutiful responsibilities of raising a child. Have you seen what passes for fathers and mothers these days? Does it make a dent in your wholesale accusations of murder? People carrying your opinion of murder ~ directed at people you know nothing of, people you care nothing of, and care even less whether their education, skills and abilities to provide the financial and nurturing obligations even exist?

        You may view me inhumane to the unborn. It’s a complicated world. Try to get me to place a puppy in an unfit home. I’ve wrongly stolen dogs from persistently abusive owners and found new owners. Your belief requires a lack of a child’s welfare. That stuns me as inhumane too. As do your like-minded believers, so harshly in judgement of people who’ve had an abortion ~ can be equally harsh in judgement of people with children on public assistance. This outright love for the unborn you must admit ~ never dirties your hands, never mortgages your time, never costs you a dime. It’s honorable on paper. I agree with your values in principle. But strip away the realities and limitations of our always evolving species, your murder charges live in a utopian ideology.

        Well ~ I thank you for your contribution. The morning has passed, however, you’ve pushed me to revisit an unpleasant societal issue and think hard on my ultimately useless point of view.

        P.S. Politics, just for fun:

        1. Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum & Mitt Romney. All 3 sought the 2012 presidency.
        2. All 3 convincingly presented themselves as successful, rational & principled men.
        3. All 3 were clearly skilled politically.
        4. All 3 came with strong social & fiscal conservative beliefs.
        5. All 3 were pro-life absolutists.

        All 3 had 21 biological children between them! Something about those 5 lines combined ~ I find so amusing.

  9. How dare this Father–His son had the right to live___What about the right to live for the ones he killed.. Selfish man as he is, and all because he failed as a father..

  10. This killer STABBED 3 of his room mates before going on his shooting rampage. Evidently those deaths are not important to Mr. Martinez because they didn’t fit his anti-gun prejudice.

    • How insensitive of you. His grief had to do with GUN violence – period. He talked about the massacre of children in Newtown but the writer of this article forgot to add the whole story.

      BTW, I’m a big fan of Barry.

      • “BTW, I’m a big fan of Barry. He was a good friend of JFK. Believe it or not, Barry was fond of women too.”

        I can tell you’re not talking about Barry “Obama”

  11. good points made in this article. I am sorry for the father’s loss but HIS SON was the insigator of this horrible tragedy. He had this son, raised him, assumedly gave him shelter, food, guidance. You kept this person alive, growing, learning, etc. It was YOU who had the most ultimate influence on your son or at least you had the chance. If he had mental problems, it was your responsibility as as parent to get him the HELP HE NEEDED. It was your responsibility to nurture him and show him how to be a consciencious responsibile young man. The politicians and gun advocates DID NOT FAIL YOUR SON. YOU DID!!!!

  12. I read his long, sad, obsessed tale, which provides more insight than any of the MSM and cop BS.

    1. There was no God, no reverence in his life at all. No morality.

    2. He had a highly inflated idea of his worth, but simultaneously had very low self-esteem- weird.

    3. He felt very entitled.

    4. He had a chaotic upbringing with weak support, bad influences.

    5. He was totally self-absorbed, from very bad upbringing.

    6. He was also a victim of the totally vacuous SoCal culture, which certainly extends up to Isla Vista. It really is barbaric.

    And you think guns are the problem and banning them will work? Check out Chicago and DC buddy.

  13. Blaming an inanimate object for your problems is the ultimate cop out. It is a dead end solution to a problem that could be solved if faced honestly. Liberals do not face problems based on reality. They make up excuses, George Bush, that have very little to do with the problem. My gun can sit by the door in our busy city and it never kills anybody, let alone loads itself or, God forbid, pulls its own trigger. It would very wise to watch and learn as much as possible about the kind of people who use guns to commit violent crimes. Commit them to asylums or prison but they need to be separated from civil society.

  14. Did LAST RESISTANCE, pay Matt Groening
    reprint rights for the use of the above illustration?

  15. When will we learn what prescription meds with violent behavior as a side effect was he taking. BTW, even the ubiquitous Nyquil has a warning of aggressive behavior.

  16. The gun makers are in business to make profits. Their lobby gives money to political campaigns. The gun culture in this country has been nurtured for decades. It’s done with slick ads and thickened with everyone has a right to own as many guns as they want.
    As long as it’s legal for politicians to take money from gun companies, nothing will change.
    As long as Americans vote for politicians who take money from the gun makers, nothing will change.
    As long as gun sales go up with each bloody massacre, nothing will change.
    As long as a segment of Americans ridicule a President for taking on the gun makers, other politicians won’t.
    And there you have it. The killing will go on & other democracies will still learn that guns don’t belong in a bubble gum machine.

    • In a few weeks I’m going to buy a set of .44 magnum revolvers and a model 1911 .45 cal auto. In December I want to get a AR15 with a 15 power scope. And next January I’m buying a .50 cal BMG rifle that is accurate up to a mile. None of these will ever be used in a crime. Guns are just pieces of steel and cannot act on their own. Cars kill more people that guns by far, and about 68 children drown each year in 5 gallon buckets so let me know when you are willing to recall all buckets, hammers, and cars. You people that think the repeal of rights is the way to fight crime are the sickest people I know. Please move to a country that already has the laws you like. Leave the honest, law abiding citizens alone. By the way he used a knife too. If the guns were at fault then the victims are just as much at fault for geting in the way of the psyscho.

  17. Checkout other democracies.
    Fire-Arm Related Deaths per 100,000

    USA – 10.3,
    Homicides – 3.60 Suicide – 6.30

    1. Australia – 1.06
    Homicides – .13 Suicides – .73
    2. Austria – 2.95
    Homicides – .18 Suicides – 2.68
    3. Belgium – 2.42
    Homicides – .29 Suicides – 1.96
    4. Canada – 2.38
    Homicides – .5 Suicides – 1.79
    5. Denmark – 1.45
    Homicides – Homicides .30 Suicides – 1.16
    6. Finland – 3.64
    Homicides – .26 Suicides – 3.34
    7. France – 3.01
    Homicides – .22 Suicides – 2.33
    8. Norway – 1.78
    Homicides – .04 Suicides – .04

      • It’s also the number of guns. The USA has 88 guns per hundred people & 10.2 deaths per 100,000 people. Number 2 is Switzerland. 45.7 guns per 100 people & 3.84 deaths per 100,000.

        Finland has 45.3 guns per 100 people & 3.64 deaths per 100,000. What’s interesting about Finland is that most of that 3.64 deaths are suicide. Maybe it’s the dark winter days (SAD- Seasonal Affected Disorders).

        • If you had read the linked article I provided you would also know that most US gun deaths are suicides too, 49% of gun deaths are caused by one ethnic minority.

      • I read your article completely. A terrible, just feeble response compared to a list of verifiable international stats.

        “the Left and “Mainstream Media” allied in an unprecedented full-court press attempt to greatly restrict or even eliminate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution”.

        That’s a total fabrication and a complete misunderstanding of D.C. politics in 2014. No such allied attempt to greatly restrict the 2nd Amendment is in process.

        “or even eliminate the 2nd Amendment” The writer couldn’t resist destroying his own competence & credibility.

        You know that writing something ~ doesn’t mean it’s true, right? Like Bo, the President’s dog, was not flown in a separate chartered plane to Martha’s Vineyard by himself. It was written everywhere. Everywhere! All make believe.

        Just like the make-believe article you want us to read.

    • Why don’t you use the whole world? Could it be that your narrative of the United States being the most violent would change if it included the WHOLE world? There are countries where bombs are being detonated every day but not included in the discussion of violence because they are third world. Why is that?

    • I read your article.

      “the Left and “Mainstream Media” allied in an unprecedented full-court press attempt to greatly restrict or even eliminate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution”.

      That’s total nonsense. No such allied attempt. You know that writing something doesn’t mean it’s true, right?

      • So the vigil that they had on the 10th anniversary of the 1st IV incident was made up too? Along with the 4 people killed and the one guy permanently disabled?

        Making up a story about Bo, the dog, is hardly comparable to a tragic story played out 13 years ago. History is to learn from, not dismiss or deny. To deny it, will only allow the tragedies of the past to repeat themselves. Unfortunately, it has in this case.

        • My apologies, CP Mom ~ Unexplainably, my reply did go to the correct poster yet also to you. ??

  18. Ron said to my earlier post: “Park it frank, by ANY measure there are more deaths caused by alcohol related car crashes than gun murders …. leave the honest, law abiding citizens alone”.

    You pretty much exemplify my snarky take, Ron.

    BTW: Aren’t most massacre shooters law abiding citizens the day before? I don’t know of such statistics ~ but I’ll bet “woonsocket” could find out!

    I own of a couple of serious guns myself. Do you & friends get the 2nd Amendment is fine & going nowhere?

    Problem is, our 2nd Amendment defenders are more bullet – ridden w/wickedly politicized NRA/NGAA market share tactics, fear propaganda & false political predictions ~ than the bodies of Bonnie & Clyde in their final moments.

    Expect it to get worse. The NRA (only recently) has a membership challenger ~ the NGAA. Look, you build political non-profit memberships by first identifying the uncharted positions of the #1 leader (NRA). Then go after your competitor’s membership by ratcheting up rhetoric & inflaming political values. The competitor fights back & the ideological membership war is on!

    A formulaic business model many exploit ~ esp. in non-profits. And let’s face it, too many gun nuts are …. too nuts about guns. But you don’t market to gun nuts ~ you market to your narrative symbolism: Freedom ~ Individualism ~ God ~ Country ~ Founding Father references ~ Rights! Rights! & more Rights! …… and tell them they’re all threatened to be taken away by the evil “other side”.

    Yes, there is an “other side” trying to eliminate guns. Those political non-profits have identical membership challenges too.

    But the 2nd Amendment is fine. Here’s an example: Want to buy a pack of cigarettes today? After 50 years of scientific proof smoking causes serious health problems, even death ….. cigarettes are sold everywhere. Some limitations exist now when you can use your product ~ I remember my father bitching: “I fly from California to New York a couple of times a month ~ now they say I can’t have one goddam cigarette in 5 hours? What the hell is going on?!!

    The pro-gun non-profits have zero advantage for any compromise, they didn’t build a powerful membership force by promising gun legislation compromise.

    Rhetoric, the threats of what you love ~ and could be changing? Is King. And Queen.

  19. Once again, a mental defective has been “Passed” multiple times by the official establishment only to finally fly completely off the handle, run his crayon outside the line, and commit horrible crimes – all but officially sanctioned by the “authorities.”

    His family knew he was defective. The mental health system knew he was defective. His “friends” had ample evidence that he was defective. But the entire “SYSTEM” completely failed to do what it is supposed to do and allowed this defective mass of protoplasm to mature into a mass killer. It is the system’s fault.

    The history of the actions of known defectives abounds from sea to shining sea. Defectives must be collared and put in padded rooms where the mental health people can either work to improve the defectives, or keep them where they can’t accomplish the tasks their defective brains urge them to undertake.

    That there are too few padded rooms to accommodate the numbers of known and suspected defectives is a problem that must be settled between the public and the politicians. Luxury accommodations are not required.

    • I agree with you about not enough rooms for the mentally ill. What we have to do is determine WHY we have so many becoming mentally ill. There is a reason, be it pre-birth, in the food supply, taught in schools, or just a result of growing up without much of a family. We must work to identify and cure the disease.

      • Until such “cause” is identified, how many more innocents must be sacrificed on the altar of politically correct failure to protect us against known and suspect defectives?

        From Colorado to Connecticut to California, all were identified as kooks, but were still allowed to circulate freely until the days they performed as their voices told them and lots of innocent folks paid the price.

  20. It’s time to stop blaming objects in the killings and focus on who & why. I see that most, or all, of these mass attacks have been done by people that are on drugs for mental illness. Also these people appear to have no moral values. They do not value life and why? I have owned guns since I was 13 and never had any desire to misuse them or hurt anyone. I grew up watching war movies and played “Army” like everyone else. My guess is that we have thrown out teaching morality at home and in the schools. We no longer teach right from wrong.

    • Your point made in sentences 2 & 3 & 4 is so true. Mental illness has no moral values towards ….. life.

  21. Gun owners become inflamed when I tell them “the 2nd Amendment is fine & well & not going anywhere.
    (btw: I own a couple of serious guns, but don’t relate at all to hysterical 2nd Amendment defenders)

    Here’s a perfect example of the legal strength of our 2nd Amendment:


    [ In the unlikely event that a treaty banning firearms managed to get through the Senate, it would almost certainly be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled just four years ago that the District of Columbia’s own ban on handguns violated residents’ Second Amendment rights ]

  22. what is sooooo bad about trying to keep mentally ill people from owning guns? What is sooooo bad about having a background check to buy guns? The issue is NOT DEMS HATE GUNS AND R’S LOVE THEM. Most Americans believe in the 2nd Amendment including mot democrats, but any discussion on reasonable changes is immediately attacked as Anti 2nd amendment. When certain high powered automatic guns were banned during the Clinton yrs nothing else happened. Why is the right so afraid to discuss ANYTHING about gun regulations? Is it because the NRA says d not give an inch or do they REALLY think they can fight the US Military? What is it?

    • Before posting totally ignorant and incoherent remarks, perhaps you should educate yourself on what actually happened in the case discussed in this article. This criminally warped gunmen purchased all of his firearms legally and with background checks in a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Maybe you’d care to explain what new law would have prevented this very sick individual from purchasing a gun – that is other than a total ban on purchase of any guns.

      There was no “automatic gun” ban during the presidency of your hero bubba clinton! There was a 10-year ban during those years of certain firearms displaying certain cosmetic features which had nothing to do with either the rate of fire or whether or not it was a “automatic weapon.” In fact, American citizens can legally own fully automatic weapons if they care to torture themselves with a long and arduous process of obtaining a license for such weapon.

      Maybe next time before you post such obvious inaccurate and inane comments you’ll check your infantile emotional rage and anger and verify some facts so you do not sound like just another gun grabber fascist, full of the lies, propaganda, and disinformation provided to you by your political lords and masters!

      • Is there some reason you need to spew insults and hateful words? I tried to understand and ask in a polite manner WHY the right refuses to discuss any possible way to reduce the gun deaths in our Country. If I was incorrect about what was banned during the Clinton yrs I will stand corrected.
        As a Christian democrat I get tired of people telling me what I think. I know what I believe, you don’t. I am NOT against guns or the 2nd Amendment. Please stop using that red herring bs argument.
        If the real reason the right wants as many guns for whoever wants them with no limit on magazines is because they believe they may need to fight the Government then just say so. Even though citizens would not have a prayer against the US Military at least it is honest. It is the ONLY thing that makes any sense for the defensive, hateful response when ANY regulation or gun law is even mentioned.
        Our Founders wanted citizens armed so they could be called upon to fight WITH the Government against uprisings. It made sense. Guns also had a single shot. My Uncles all served in the military. Several are hunters in NH and CA. We are not against gun ownership and it gets pretty old and insulting to have people tell me what I believe.

        • You poor, poor pathetic little thing! Got your feelings all hurt!

          Your whole response is such a laugh! Your incoherence is amazing!

          Try answering the question from my original response to you instead of going off on your little infantile temper tantrum! In case you forgot, the question can be found at the end of the first paragraph! But you won’t, because you cannot come up with a coherent and logical explanation as to how any new gun laws would’ve prevented the tragedy in Isla Vista.

          Until you can respond to that simple question above, you are not worth wasting any more of my time.

          By the way, it’s impossible to be both a Christian and a democrat at the same time! The two are completely incompatible with each other! Christianity is a celebration of life, while the party you belong to is a celebration of death in all its forms!

  23. the psychiatric drugs had a lot to do with it…..why doesn’t Mr Martinez acknowledge that fact?

  24. Daycare…. Stranger Care…. why doesn’t anybody talk about the new thing in kid’s lives since the 1970s or so… something different in young people’s lives that didn’t exist for thousands of years… daycare… can we talk about whether this kid was warehoused in stranger care


    • Are you willing to take the risk of stranger care? It is a risk.
      You can’t afford risks with your children. They are not a car being dropped off to the
      valet. All it takes is ten minutes for a
      quick molesting of your child AND boom, their life and your life is over as you
      know it. It’s not worth it.


      April Luckese, 35, was arrested and charged at a daycare
      operation after a 14-month-old girl died in hospital Friday. The infant was
      identified in court documents as Duy-An Nguyen. Police were first called to a
      home on Asta Drive
      in Mississauga
      on Wednesday.

      Luckese had been previously been charged with aggravated
      assault endangering a life.–daycare-operator-charged-with-second-degree-murder


  25. in Nordic countries, most children are in daycare. Not known for mass murder in those places.

  26. Stop picking on K-5 Minds. My 5th grade grandson has more common sense than most adults. This kid is entirely the product of oooohhhh me too parents that wanted a kid because other people had one and then did not want to raise him once he showed up. Raising a child is a life long commitment that takes a lot of love and time. It is not something that you can throw money at and expect to come out right. If this spawn of a worthless father had killed a member of my family, I know where I would be going for satisfaction. We need to start putting the blame where it belongs, or we are never going to save this country. Kids are not dolls that you can discard when you outgrow your desire to have one.

  27. Daycare…. Stranger Care…. why doesn’t anybody talk about
    the new thing in kid’s lives since the 1970s or so… something different in
    young people’s lives that didn’t exist for thousands of years… daycare… can
    we talk about whether this kid was warehoused in stranger care?


  28. Circle of abuse

    Understanding the cycle of abuse: Humiliations, spankings and beatings, slaps
    in the face, betrayal, sexual exploitation, derision, neglect, etc. are all
    forms of mistreatment, because they injure the integrity and dignity of a
    child, even if their consequences are not visible right away.

    However, as adults, most abused children will suffer from
    these injuries… ***AND make others suffer as well.

    By Alice Miller, Ph.D.:

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