Three Powers, Pt. 7: On the Intellect

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 7: On the Intellect

Michael explores the intellect, truth, fact, bias, imagination, and experience to arrive at a more relational and integrated understanding of the spirit of the mind. He explores disorders of the intellect, which contribute to everything from sociopathy to sloth, and establishes humility as the only virtue that can cut through self-deception.


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Facial Scar Experiment

“Believing Into Christ,” by Living to Him Ministries

How Christian Rationalism Turned Me Into a Psycopath, by Michael Minkoff, Jr.

Bartleby, the Scrivener

The Prophetic Imagination, by Walter Brueggeman (Helped me sort through some of these concepts)

2 responses

  1. I’m glad you addressed the distributions of the powers. I was curious about that. I was also curious about the distribution of the powers between the sexes. It sounds like you’re gonna talk about that next week so I will be patient and wait.

    I did want to ask you to further elaborate on where you came up with the definitions for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. You talked a little bit about where one can see the intimacy of knowledge in the scripture, but I imagine there is more to say on that topic and I’d like to know the analogous source of the other two definitions please.

    • I write a bit about knowledge as intimacy (and the human necessity for that) in my book on aesthetics, According to His Excellent Greatness (concerning “The Doctrine of Knowledge” in the chapter about what’s wrong with Christian art). I probably need to do some more thorough articulation of the biblical bases for my distinctions, though. Most of what I talk about concerning knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the podcast is from trying to make sense of the categories, particularly in the Proverbs. It would probably be helpful for me to write a little bit more about why those distinctions made sense of the biblical data for me, but I haven’t yet. That’s not a very satisfying reply for now, but I will do this work eventually.

      And yes, I will talk about distribution of powers in the next episode.

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