Three Powers, Pt. 12: Three Powers and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 12: Three Powers and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Michael explains how the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible relate to the three powers of the human spirit. He explains how the offices of Jesus—of prophet, priest, and king—continue to be represented in the church’s verbal and embodied witness through the diverse gifting of the Holy Spirit in individual members. Michael goes on to describe how this variety and diversity can contribute to discord and hierarchies within churches and denominations, yet God’s intention and desire in giving these gifts is to build up and unify the church.

Post-Apostolic (Non-Miraculous) Gifts of the Spirit Mapping


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What is the Mission of the Church?” by Michael Minkoff, Jr.

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