Being Something Extra 2: 20/20 Hindblindness

Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra 2: 20/20 Hindblindness

Michael describes one of the central processes of history: reconstructing the past from fragments no one in their time knew would be important. Such a reconstruction results not in 20/20 Hindsight, but rather in 20/20 Hindblindness—a clarity made of mists and myth more than fact. This reveals the unique reality of biblical history, making it even stranger in our eyes, more prophecy than history.


Michael’s Patreon

Ancient Greek “Dark Ages”

Romulus and Remus

Plutarch on Alexander the Great

Medieval Philosophy and Aristotle

Suetonius on Christians

Tacitus on Jesus

Ozymandias, by Percy Shelley, read by Richard Attenborough

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