Ode to the Mother of My Children: A Birth Story

On Sunday evening, May 20, 2012, I went to bed at the normal hour. It had been a good sabbath. Vanessa was a few days past her due date, but this had given us time to take our membership vows at the church we had been attending since we moved to Marietta a few months before. […]

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My Mother, More Blessing than Blessed

Once, when I was three or four, I came into the kitchen while my mother was washing dishes to tell her about my new toy car—how the steering wheel actually turned the front wheels, how the doors and even the hood and trunk opened. It was made of metal, with good heft. It was a […]

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How Christian Rationalism Turned Me Into a Psychopath, or A Biblical Defense of Feelings

An early adoption of Christian rationalism had me operating as a psychopath. Does the Bible give primacy to reason? Should the church?

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Local Pastor, Probably Apostate, Refuses to Share Inspirational Meme

CLAYTON, OHIO—James Robbins, the probably apostate pastor of Clayton First Methodist Church, has refused on multiple occasions to evidence his love for Jesus by interacting with inspirational memes on Facebook. According to Suzanne Rigsby, one of the members of First Methodist, she knew the soon-to-be-damned Robbins was “skating on thin ice with the Lord” when […]

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A Black Guy Starts Talking to Two White Guys at an Atlanta Food Mart … I Couldn’t Believe What Happened Next

Last night, I was hanging out in southwest Atlanta with my friend Ben Hodges, who is actually the whitest kid I know. For example, I went over to his house so we could make a night of it going over my proposed edits for a chapter of his memoirs. I showed up around nine o’clock […]

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