The Nothing Human Podcast

A biblically-informed thinkspace for exploring and articulating all the ways we make or break sense of human experience. Join thinker and author Michael Minkoff as he investigates and interrogates meaning-making and thought categories in an effort to articulate a more cohesive understanding of human information within the superstructure of God’s truth.

Ep. 18: Physical and Spiritual, Heaven and Earth

Michael investigates the distinction of physical vs. spiritual, exploring its Platonic roots and destructive consequences.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Ep. 18: Physical and Spiritual, Heaven and Earth

Ep. 17: The Origin of the Soul

Where does the soul come from? Is it created by God or does it come from our parents and ultimately from Adam? Michael explores Creationism and Traducianism as it relates to the origin of the human soul, explaining them along the way.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Ep. 17: The Origin of the Soul

Ep. 16: Body and Soul, Flesh and Spirit

Michael investigates our misconceptions concerning the body and soul, exploring the Platonic and NeoPlatonic influences on Christian thought, which has produced dualistic and body-dismissing conceptions of human nature and the source of sin.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Ep. 16: Body and Soul, Flesh and Spirit

Being Something Extra 2: 20/20 Hindblindness

Michael examines the challenge of reconstructing history from fragments concerning people and events that were certainly obscure in their time, leading to a phenomenon he terms 20/20 Hindblindness.

Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra 2: 20/20 Hindblindness

Three Powers, Pt. 15: Three Powers, Trauma, and “Redeeming Heartache”

Michael explores the relationship between trauma and calling by analyzing “Redeeming Heartache” by Dr. Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel. They classify trauma into orphan, stranger, and widow categories, linking them to the roles of prophet, priest, and king. Michael critiques their insights, highlighting gaps in their analysis while integrating his own perspective on the three powers.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 15: Three Powers, Trauma, and “Redeeming Heartache”

Three Powers, Pt. 14: More on Internal and External Standards

Michael explores internal and external standards for values of good, right, and true, emphasizing the balance between individual and collective values.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 14: More on Internal and External Standards

Three Powers, Pt. 13: More on the Affections

Michael delves into the dynamics of the affections and their ordering. He lays out foundational concepts for affective change, suggesting initial steps for processing emotions.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 13: More on the Affections

Three Powers, Pt. 12: Three Powers and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Michael discusses the connection between the Holy Spirit’s gifts and the human spirit’s powers, noting how Jesus’ roles as prophet, priest, and king are reflected in church members and offices. He highlights the potential for discord due to diversity in gifts but emphasizes God’s purpose of unity and growth within the church.

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 12: Three Powers and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Being Something Extra 1: Tragic Story, Comic Ending

In this bonus episode of Being Something Extra, Michael discusses the conventions of comedy and tragedy. He analyzes how the films Uncut Gems and The Room subvert traditional expectations, transforming tragic scenarios toward conventionally comedic outcomes.

Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra
Being Something Extra 1: Tragic Story, Comic Ending

Three Powers, Pt. 11: Self-Awareness and the Overlap of the Powers

Michael addresses self-awareness and its challenges due to overlapping powers. He categorizes these overlaps: desire connects will and affections, plan connects will and intellect, and dream connects intellect and affections. Standards for these overlaps are habit for desire, conviction for plan, and taste for dream. Resolving conflicts in the three powers generally happens in the overlaps or agreements of the powers

The Nothing Human Podcast
The Nothing Human Podcast
Three Powers, Pt. 11: Self-Awareness and the Overlap of the Powers