Questions in Genesis, pt. 2: Why Did Satan Fall?

If God created Satan upright in a perfect creation, how could Satan have fallen from righteousness? Theologians have struggled with this question for quite some time. Michael delves into the biblical account to give some compelling reasons why Satan succumbed to the temptation of pride and resentment.

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Questions in Genesis, pt. 1: When Were Angels Created?

This article introduces a series analyzing Genesis, focusing on overlooked details that shape redemptive history. It suggests that angels were created on the fourth day alongside celestial bodies, and ancient worship often involved fallen angels.

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God, I Thank You that I am Not Like this Pharisee

I was thinking this morning about the phrase “But for the grace of God, go I.” Along with a number of other Christian clichés, this one tends to be trotted out in public during dubious shows of humility. And, also similar to other Christian clichés, “but for the grace of God, go I” is hard for […]

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Kelly Osbourne Tries to Insult Donald Trump … The Result is a Glorious Train Wreck

People should stop trying to out-trump Donald Trump. It’s basically not possible. First off, Trump is willing to say wilder, more controversial things than you are. Second, he won’t be as embarrassed as you will be when he watches himself later on TV. In fact, I don’t know that he is able to be embarrassed. […]

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An Inconvenient Correlation: Homosexuality and Disease

Leftists are really good at making correlations and ascribing causation when it fits their agenda. Correlation is in fact a very sticky concept. Consider that, from the data, one could make a very good case that there is a correlation between US spending on science, space, and technology and suicides by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation. So […]

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Infiltration: How the Feds Discredit and Destroy Perceived Enemies

The federal government has gotten very good at infiltrating the various organizations that have formed in opposition to big government. This is not some shadow occurrence anymore. Even the mainstream media is apparently willing to report on federal infiltration: Militia groups are still surrounding the Bundy ranch days after the BLM ended its roundup of cattle. There […]

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Yitta Schwartz is More Obscure and More Important Than You Are

You’ve never heard of Yitta Schwartz probably. She died almost four years ago at 93, an unknown member of an obscure sect of Jews—the Satmar Hasidic sect. But she was an extremely important person to thousands. In fact, she is the primary reason they exist. Yitta Schwartz had fifteen children, more than two hundred grandchildren, […]

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Christians Believed in Natural Selection Before Darwin was a Single-Cell Life Form

This whole article is a response to Bill Nye’s meddling, and the fact that, as a student of the philosophy of science with my degree in the field, I get really annoyed with how much anti-Christian “science” bullying goes on all the time. I especially can’t stand preclusive and arbitrary definitions about what is and […]

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