Why the Riots in Ferguson Are Nothing Like the Boston Tea Party

Recently, some idiot teacher named Michael Kaechele positively compared the riots in Ferguson to the Boston Tea Party. Yes. He really did: The tragic event of the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri have [sic] led to protests and rioting against police brutality. It brings to the surface (again) the institutional racism that has […]

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Anti-Faith Center for Inquiry Fights for “Safe and Secular” Healthcare

According to the Center for Inquiry, good health care is beset by ignorance—the ignorance of faith and the ignorance of the anti-scientific (with apparently a great deal of overlap): 1. The imposition of religious dogma on health care, resulting in limited access to and even the denial of medical services; 2. The shameless marketing of […]

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Washington Redskins Being Bullied to Change Name

The U.S. Patent Office, which recently attended to the important work of granting Amazon it’s “subject on a white background” photography patent, recently re-affirmed its indispensability by suspending the trademarked name of the Washington Redskins. According to the Patent Office, Redskins is a racially derogatory slur aimed at “Native Americans,” and, as such, is disqualified […]

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Federal Group Revived to Fight Domestic Terrorism

Well, things have been pretty quiet on the international front for a while (although the freed captives of Gitmo might change that soon), so our never-shrinking, always-growing federal government has decided to revive an internal intelligence group designed to fight domestic terrorism: The group will coordinate cases that involve Americans who may be spurred to […]

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Obama’s EPA Rules Will Sidestep Congress

There was a good bit of conservative outrage when Obama promised during his State of the Union address that he would get things done without Congress if he needed to: But what I offer tonight is a set of concrete, practical proposals to speed up growth, strengthen the middle class, and build new ladders of […]

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National Popular Vote (NPV) Compact Over Halfway There

New York is the latest state to climb aboard the National Popular Vote (NPV) bandwagon that would effectively destroy the original purpose of the Electoral College. The NPV compact is an agreement between the Electoral Colleges of different states to grant their votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national, not state-wide, popular vote. […]

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Tactical Urbanism a Shadow of the Future

The nice thing about government incompetence and tyranny is that, in many ways, it is weaning people off of dependence on the civil government. The civil government is so bad at doing its job, it will almost make it a relief when the economy collapses and the civil government withdraws from our daily lives. That’s […]

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New Law Gives Executive Drone Policy Effective Immunity

The Senate has removed a provision from its most recent intelligence bill on drone policy that would have required Obama to publicly disclose injuries and deaths from drone strikes. So Obama now has free reign to kill as many people as he wants with drone strikes, and there is almost no way to keep him accountable. […]

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Widow’s House Sold By State … for Unpaid $6.30 Fine

Eileen Battisti owned a house in Beaver, PA. Her husband, who took care of their taxes, died in 2004. Since then, Eileen has been trying to keep up with her finances alone. It has been very difficult, and she has no one to help her apparently. So she fell behind on her property taxes, to […]

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Bill De Blasio and the Nature of Parasites

The most effective parasites make you feel bad for not giving them more. They convince you that they are taking less than they deserve. For years, bleeding heart leftists have been those kinds of parasites. They pretend to be Robin Hoods, but there are crucial differences. For one, they exempt themselves from the charitable giving. […]

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