Is the Military Training for American Martial Law?

There’s a 300-acre city in Virginia now that wasn’t there about six years ago. It has public transportation, a sports stadium, offices, and parking lots. It’s a ghost town though. No one lives here. It is a military training city that cost $96 million. Perhaps to make us all feel a little more comfortable, the […]

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Obama Considers Killing a US Citizen with a Drone Strike

The US Justice Department and the Obama administration say there is an American citizen with ties to Al-Qaeda who is planning attacks on the US from overseas. And they badly want to kill him with a drone strike. But current laws are making that a little tricky. The suspected terrorist is in a country that […]

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Confessions of a Former TSA Agent

In case you needed any confirmation that the TSA was intrusive, shameful, and useless … here you go. A former TSA agent, Jason Edward Harrington, who had been anonymously posting insider information on his blog, just came out of the shadows to re-confirm what we have all suspected for quite some time. Apparently, the TSA […]

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Is Al Qaeda Winning the War in the Middle East?

According to a CNN analyst, Al Qaeda controls more territory in the Middle East than ever before. They just retook the embattled city of Falluja and have consolidated power in sections of Syria. Al Qaeda has control over more territory than it did before the outbreak of the Iraq War in 2003. CNN reports: In […]

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NSA Collecting Information on Americans’ Porn Habits

The NSA is utilizing its extensive surveillance network and mind-boggling technological resources to collect data on your porn habits. It should probably go without saying that I don’t think you should have any porn habits. But if you do have any, the NSA knows about them. Aside from the fact that the NSA collects anything […]

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After Four Months, Black Supremacist Ayo Kimathi Still Employed by DHS

About four months ago, the DHS found out that Ayo Kimathi, one of their employees, was an avowed black supremacist. Kimathi runs the website “War on the Horizon,” where he posts a bunch of hilariously inflammatory “pro-black” news and recommends the assassination of black-skinned traitors (Uncle Toms) and white people. For some reason, I can’t […]

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TSA Screening Policies Work Little Better than Chance

A new study conducted by the Government Accountability Office confirms what the vast majority of Americans could have told you without thinking: the TSA’s behavioral screening program, SPOT, is not effective in singling out real threats to airline safety. The report cites both recent and decades-old research that “found that the human ability to accurately […]

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Was John Brown the First “Domestic Terrorist”?

John Brown, the famously violent abolitionist, attacked a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He took possession of its armory, and fully intended to use the weapons from the armory to arm slaves for a revolt. He was stopped by the U.S. Army (led by then Colonel Robert E. Lee), tried in a […]

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Facebook Terrorism and the Growing Public Space

Nineteen-year-old Justin Carter is in prison with a $500,000 bail awaiting trial for a third-degree felony charge of terroristic threats. For a facebook status update. Following a particularly heated session of online gaming, the young Carter thought it a good idea to post the following comment to his wall: “I think Ima shoot up a […]

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