Claim: Government Shutdown Could Cripple ‘Science’ … Again

In a recent article by the humorously named Scientific American, Joshua Krisch delivered a dire warning on what could happen to “science” if Congress should “shut down” the government again. Apparently, the two weeks of civil government shutdown in 2013 had dire and lasting effects on the scientific community. Lab rats died (from euthanasia to […]

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Richard Dawkins Wants to End Down’s Syndrome – by Killing Babies

Wow. Richard Dawkins has had a way recently of expressing his evolutionary ethics in pretty much the most tactless way possible. A few weeks ago, he was in hot water for his defense of “mild” pedophilia. Now, he’s in the hot seat again for saying it was immoral not to abort an unborn baby with […]

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New Study: Multitasking is Bad for Your Brain

According to a new study, multitasking is bad for your brain—inhibiting your performance, and lowering both your IQ and EQ (a measure of emotional intelligence): Research also shows that, in addition to slowing you down, multitasking lowers your IQ. A study at the University of London found that participants who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced […]

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A Robot Wine Critic to Replace Human Wine Critics

One of the major criticisms some have with wine tasters is that their tastes are hopelessly subjective. Recently, many studies have indicated that even the same wine critic can have significantly different perspectives on the same wine even over the course of a few minutes. And the label can have a big influence on this […]

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Another Blow to Natural Law: Chimpanzees are Naturally Homicidal

New research has concluded that man’s involvement has nothing to do with the murderous habits of chimpanzees. It had been assumed that human encroachment on chimp lands and resources had caused them to become more aggressive and homicidal. But a new study overturns that theory. Chimpanzees are just bloodthirsty killers by nature: The researchers pored […]

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Ben Carson Rails Against Evolution

Ben Carson loves nettling leftists. He’s particularly suited for it. He has all the qualities leftists want for members of their team—he’s black, philanthropic, well-educated, successful, well-spoken, and well-liked in his community. But he is decidedly not on the left’s side. In fact, he’s more in their side like a stubborn thorn. In his most recent […]

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Study Finds Big Differences Between Organic and Non-Organic Foods

The organic food craze that has swept the nation has many skeptics wondering what the real value of eating organic actually is. Is this just a fashionable gimmick to get people to spend more money at the grocery store for products with dubious added value? But a new study indicates that organic foods are actually […]

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Science Education Depends Entirely on How You Define Science

Leftists are in an uproar over proposed legislation in Ohio that would reject portions of the Common Core curriculum and require science education to de-emphasize “process” education. Many leftists believe this law is intended to undercut teaching evolution—presumably one of the “scientific processes” being targeted. The wording of the bill makes it too easy for […]

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Anti-Faith Center for Inquiry Fights for “Safe and Secular” Healthcare

According to the Center for Inquiry, good health care is beset by ignorance—the ignorance of faith and the ignorance of the anti-scientific (with apparently a great deal of overlap): 1. The imposition of religious dogma on health care, resulting in limited access to and even the denial of medical services; 2. The shameless marketing of […]

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