YouGov Poll: Only 4% of Americans Think They’re Stupider than Average

Being an idiot is not an insurmountable problem. If you are aware of how moronic you actually are, there’s a good chance you’ll try to do something about it. The real problem is not ignorance itself, in other words. It’s ignorance of one’s ignorance. A recent YouGov poll reveals that only 4% of Americans think […]

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Tactical Urbanism a Shadow of the Future

The nice thing about government incompetence and tyranny is that, in many ways, it is weaning people off of dependence on the civil government. The civil government is so bad at doing its job, it will almost make it a relief when the economy collapses and the civil government withdraws from our daily lives. That’s […]

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Jay Carney: Jon Stewart was Obama’s Toughest 2012 Interview

Ouch. Now, I’m actually a fan of Jon Stewart (I am part of his target audience after all), but Jay Carney’s seemingly offhand comment that Obama’s toughest interview of 2012 was on the Daily Show—that is just shameful. Every reporter and journalist from the traditional mainstream news should just be crying right now. How absolutely […]

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Bill De Blasio and the Nature of Parasites

The most effective parasites make you feel bad for not giving them more. They convince you that they are taking less than they deserve. For years, bleeding heart leftists have been those kinds of parasites. They pretend to be Robin Hoods, but there are crucial differences. For one, they exempt themselves from the charitable giving. […]

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Taking Selfies is Bad for Your Mental Health

One of the most difficult aspects of mental health is determining causation. A body of evidence is apparently growing that taking selfies can lead to narcissism, addiction, and suicide. But it seems to me that narcissism and a tendency toward addiction and suicide would increase the likelihood of excessive selfies. In other words, the correlation […]

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Carrying a Cell Phone Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

Uh-oh. Apparently a recent study yet to be expanded on indicates that men who carry cell phones in their pockets for a good portion of the day have a higher risk of getting erectile dysfunction: As reported in the Environmental Health Trust’s latest newsletter, cell phones have now been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). While […]

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DOJ Unveils Transgender Awareness Training for Police

Apparently, the police are not sensitive enough to transgender people. At least, that is what the Department of Justice thinks. It just unveiled a program to train police in transgender awareness. According to the DOJ, transgender people are often the victims of violence, but they are less likely to report crimes against them because of […]

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Does Jay Carney Coordinate Questions with Reporters or Not?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has denied a report that the White House sometimes knows in advance the questions reporters will ask during press meetings. The report/accusation was made by Phoenix reporter Catherine Anaya: Phoenix news anchor Catherine Anaya reported Wednesday night on KPHO-TV5 that in an “off the record” meeting, Carney had told […]

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Gay Pastry Chef Hired by Laura Bush Quits on Michelle Obama

Interesting story: Bill Yosses, the former executive pastry chef at the White House who was hired by Laura Bush in 2007, has decided to resign because, apparently, he can’t take Michelle Obama anymore … or at least, he can’t stand her hare-brained health food schemes anymore. How hilarious is that? This extremely, openly gay dude […]

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Chipotle Will Still Serve Guacamole … in Spite of Climate Change

Talk about a tempest in a tea cup. Chipotle, the hip “fast food” joint that caters to the skinny jeans and tasteful nose ring crowd, put out a guacamole crisis warning a little while ago. Apparently, Chipotle thought everyone needed to know that guacamole might be dropped from their restaurants because of … climate change. […]

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