Why Leftists Hate Human Nature

There are two prevailing views of human nature. In one view, humans are naturally bad. In the other, humans are naturally good. This may be a simplification, but it is accurate in the aggregate. In broad terms, leftists tend to believe that humans are naturally good—or at least naturally perfectible. And that is why they […]

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Fox Anchor Upset About “Anti-Business” Lego Movie

Fox Business analyst Stuart Varney (from Varney & Co.) has some reservations about the new Lego Movie. He thinks it is yet another film in a long line of Hollywood blockbusters that evidences Hollywood’s “anti-business” message. He says that the main villain in the Lego Movie is named “President Business” and looks like Mitt Romney. […]

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School Objects to Pictures of Guns … in Gun-Free Zone Signs

Sometimes the soft-headed absurdity of the effete left leaves me wondering how so many people came to appear so much like parodies of themselves. Apparently administrators at a school in Chicago are up in “arms” about gun-free zone signs they are being asked to post on their property. They are angry because the signs contain pictures of […]

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Are Leftists Actually Pro-Choice?

Are leftists really pro-choice? They certainly tell us so often enough. (Methinks the lady doth protest too much…) But as soon as anybody else tries to make a choice they don’t like … Well, they immediately start laying down unilateral standards of conformity. A case in point. The state of Indiana now has a state-wide […]

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Obama Continues to Prove Anti-Federalists Right

In a short speech on Wednesday, Obama declared, “When I can act on my own without Congress, I’m going to do so.” He may have been referring specifically to unemployment benefits. But the fact remains that this characterizes his presidency (or should we say “reign”?). In the years preceding the ratification of the US Constitution, […]

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“Educational” Sex-Ed Poster Lists Sex Acts for Middle Schoolers

A hopelessly naïve Kansas father is outraged over an “educational” sex-ed poster that his middle-school daughter was exposed to at her local public school. The father first believed that the poster was a prank perpetrated by students, so he called the school to complain. The school explained that the poster was actually not a prank. […]

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Exclusive Hollywood “A is For” Gala to Fund Texas Abortions

Wow. I hardly know what to say about this one. An advocacy group called “A is For” has collected a band of Hollywood comedians and musicians for an event they are calling “A Night of a Thousand Vaginas.” Money raised by the event will go to fund abortions in Texas, since stricter Texas laws have […]

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According to Leftists, UPS Ruined Christmas

UPS was late delivering some of your packages, and some of them didn’t make it in time for Christmas. The US Postal Service and at least this one leftist consider this a win: Some people will blame the customer for waiting until the last minute to place their order, but the problems at UPS and […]

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The Cruel Joke Known as the Budget Deal

They must think we’re stupid. The new budget deal presented by Paul Ryan is a joke. A serious, solemn, straight-faced joke. Obama likes it—mostly. Democrats like it—mostly. Republicans like it—mostly. You know who doesn’t like this budget deal at all? I don’t. When will our civil government realize that we don’t have any money? I […]

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The Mysterious Paradox of Liberal Tolerance

For many years, every time I saw a “Coexist” bumper sticker, I would get perturbed in my spirit, and I didn’t really know why. It wasn’t that I felt criticized. Particularly speaking, I’m an open and forgiving sort. I love discourse and conversation, and the command to “coexist” with people who disagreed with me didn’t […]

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