The New York Times Fires Jill Abramson, First-Ever Female General Editor

Well, that didn’t take long. The New York Times, often criticized (or lauded, as the case may be) for its liberal bias, has fired Jill Abramson, its first-ever female Executive Editor, after only three short years. And why did the New York Times fire her? Apparently, she was “pushy.” Whatever that means. I was under […]

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Harvard Approves Mandatory “White Privilege” Brainwashing Orientation

New students at Harvard University will soon be treated to a mandatory special orientation program designed to teach them all about societal “privilege and power” structures. The group responsible for overseeing the program explains (kind of) what the “class” is: A mandatory power and privilege training that examines components of race, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual […]

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Iran Appointed to UN Women’s Rights Commission?

You read that right. Iran. The country that is downright famous for its institutionalized abuse of women. Iran. A country that forces its women to cover up from head to toe in black cloth in the desert climate of the Middle East. Iran. A country that puts women to death for being raped. Iran. A […]

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Uncle Thomas, Affirmative Action, and the Recent SCOTUS Decision

Recently, the Supreme Court decided to uphold Michigan’s ban of affirmative action as it applies to college applicants. In other words, the Supreme Court said that Michigan was allowed to look at college applicants entirely on merit, with no consideration of their race. The decision passed the Supreme Court with six votes in favor, two […]

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Brandeis Takes Back Honorary Degree from Famous Anti-Muslim

Within ten days of offering Ayaan Hirsi Ali an honorary degree for her humanitarian work to protect African girls from genital mutilation and slavery, Brandeis University is rescinding that offer. They caved into pressure from a few vocal students and Islamic sympathizers who said Ali was an “Islamophobe.” Today, Brandeis University released a cryptic statement […]

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World Vision and Leftists in Evangelical Clothing

World Vision, the para-church organization dedicated to fighting world hunger through child sponsorships, has been embroiled in the “gay rights” controversy quite a bit of late. On March 24, World Vision decided to change its hiring policies to allow married homosexuals to work for them. The new rule still required celibacy outside of marriage, but, […]

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UGA Sets Behavior Standards for Basketball Team, Angers Liberals

Apparently some people are upset with the University of Georgia (UGA) basketball team coaches for setting standards of behavior for their players. The intrusive, extensive guidelines for life have been called a breach of first and fourth amendment rights. You may think that UGA must have some crazy rules to be getting those kind of […]

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President Obama with Galifianakis on Between Two Ferns

“What is it like to be the last black president?” That was probably the best line in a moderately funny faux interview between Zach Galifianakis and President Obama that was featured on Funny or Die’s Between Two Ferns. Between Two Ferns, the mock interview web show created and hosted by Galifianakis, is an awkward, sometimes […]

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Democrat Senator Cory Booker Drove to Hawaii?

The guy that many people believe will be Barack Obama’s successor, Senator Cory Booker (D–New Jersey), said from the Congressional floor (during a Congressional hearing about climate change, of course) that his first and only driving trip was from New Jersey … to Hawaii. His first vehicle was apparently the Magic School Bus, or perhaps […]

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Chipotle Will Still Serve Guacamole … in Spite of Climate Change

Talk about a tempest in a tea cup. Chipotle, the hip “fast food” joint that caters to the skinny jeans and tasteful nose ring crowd, put out a guacamole crisis warning a little while ago. Apparently, Chipotle thought everyone needed to know that guacamole might be dropped from their restaurants because of … climate change. […]

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