1700 Private Jets Descend on Switzerland for Global Warming Summit

What better way to show your fight against global warming and carbon footprints than jet-setting in your own fossil fuel burning private jet? Or 1,700 of them: A squadron of 1,700 private jets are rumbling into Davos, Switzerland, this week to discuss global warming and other issues as the annual World Economic Forum gets underway. […]

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Turns Out Sugar Isn’t So Sweet

Added sugar in our diets might be doing more to us than just making us fat, according to a new study assessing the deleterious effects of sugar in our diets: “People are becoming literate about the toxic effects of sugar,” [Dean] Schillinger [a member of the SugarScience team that did the newest sugar study] said, […]

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Chris Hughes, Sean Eldridge, and the Media’s Gay Bias

Perhaps you’ve never heard of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge. Lucky you. They’re one of America’s first “gay power couples.” Whatever that means. Not even a year ago, they were getting media accolades left and right (mostly left), but these days they’re roundly booed in all circles. What exactly happened? Two very public failures have […]

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Biden Wants Girls to Know They’re ‘As Smart As Any Boy’

Joe Biden the Pediphage is at it again. This man just loves the taste of his foot. Recently, he told a group of girls, who were “coding” on computers: You guys do understand, by the way, you’re as smart as any boy in the world, you know that right? . . . There’s not a […]

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Benjy the ‘Gay’ Irish Bull Saved From the Slaughterhouse

An apparently infertile Irish bull named Benjy didn’t impregnate any of the cows offered him, so he was set to go to the slaughterhouse (being largely useless for any other purpose). A veterinarian brought in to diagnose the situation said that Benjy was actually fertile, so that wasn’t the trouble. The problem became apparent when […]

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Obama Looks Down on Stay-at-Home Moms

In a video clip puzzling both for its transparency and its open attack on the traditional family structure, Barack Obama said “we” (whoever that is) don’t want any Americans to make the choice to be stay-at-home parents: And sometimes, someone, usually Mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her […]

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Fear and Shame: Michelle Obama Brews Up Yet Another Campaign Cocktail

The campaign cocktail recipe for elected officials is so standardized at this point, you can just assume it’s being used without having to listen to campaign speeches. But, just as a representative sample (because you’re not going to get anything else truly representative in any upcoming elections), let’s look at the campaign cocktail of the […]

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Yesterday was Indigenous People’s Day

According to Seattle, yesterday was Indigenous People’s Day. Not Columbus Day: The name change comes after activists pushed for a day to honor indigenous people instead of Christopher Columbus, the most recognizable figure linked to European contact with the Americas. “This is about taking a stand against racism and discrimination,” Seattle City Council member Kshama […]

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Why Obama Has Trouble Connecting to His Poor Voter Base

Obama just left one high-priced fundraiser on his way to another high-priced fundraiser with some more of the elitists who pay big bucks to get poor people to continue voting for Democrats. That’s just one reason why Obama tries so desperately, and fails so consistently, to connect to the poor people who vote for him. […]

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Study: Liberals Literally Stink

According to a new study, liberals and conservatives have perceptibly different body odors, among other things: The researchers, led by Brown University political scientist Rose McDermott, found that conservatives and liberals smell dissimilar. While the difference is small, it is apparently significant enough that we subconsciously prefer the scent of those who vote like we […]

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