Army War College Considers Purging Its History of Confederate Generals

The U.S. Army War College is deciding what to do with its (currently displayed) full-length portraits of Confederate generals like Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. After the portraits were removed during an inventory process, certain unnamed faculty members started questioning why Confederate generals were represented at the U.S. War College when they were “enemies” […]

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Boycott Brown Thursday

Brown Thursday is what the marketers and bottom-liners are calling it. But Americans in former generations had traditionally called the fourth Thursday of November Thanksgiving. Apparently businesses just aren’t making enough money from the crush of customers on Black Friday. Now we need Brown Thursday to pick up the slack. Don’t stay at home and enjoy […]

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The Gettysburg Address and Lovely Lies

Yesterday was the 150th memorial of the Gettysburg Address. Aglow with Lincoln hagiography and pride at our cultural progress, many modern Americans don’t understand the real significance of the Gettysburg Address for its time. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to open this can of worms. Opting not to give a speech […]

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Was John Brown the First “Domestic Terrorist”?

John Brown, the famously violent abolitionist, attacked a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He took possession of its armory, and fully intended to use the weapons from the armory to arm slaves for a revolt. He was stopped by the U.S. Army (led by then Colonel Robert E. Lee), tried in a […]

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