Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, Just Fix the Currency

With all the talk about minimum wage, most people miss the real culprit for the rising cost of living: inflation. Does it really matter if you make $20 an hour, if every dollar you earn is worth ten cents? Of course not. Recently, some minimum wage workers in Philadelphia learned about the Federal Reserve. They […]

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Millennials Not Buying Homes

Since they began keeping records, home ownership has never been lower among Americans younger than thirty-five. Which means that millennials are investing less and less in property. Why is this? You probably already knew that millennials are more likely than any other older generation to live with their parents. But it might be that they live […]

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You Won’t Believe What Bored Federal Workers are Doing on Your Dime…

In recent revelations from internal investigators in multiple federal agencies, federal workers have too much time on their hands from a lack of work, and many of them are wiling away the hours binging on porn. Some of them are looking at porn for up to two hours or more a day. Others aren’t looking […]

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Corporate Accountability in a Free Market

One of the most common arguments against the free market, and it’s as old as the birth of social crusades, is that corporations powered by greed will do anything to anyone to make a buck if the market is entirely unregulated. But it is regularly overlooked that a regulated market has even more possibility for […]

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Why the Poor Need a Fair Wage, Not a Fair Share

Statistics can be misleading. And when it comes to the poor, statistics aren’t just misleading—they can be manipulative. You’ve probably heard a good bit about the poor getting a fair share of the wealth, as if wealth is a pie and everyone deserves the same size piece. You’ll hear how the rich need to pay […]

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Fiat CEO: “Don’t Buy Our Electric Cars”

As much as I don’t like admitting that Obama was right about something, perhaps he did choose the right man to head up Chrysler. (But don’t worry; all the other problems with that merger still ensure that Obama comes out in the red on it overall … and hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut in […]

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Why Job Growth Numbers Under Socialist Presidents Don’t Make Sense

Do you know who has the absolute best numbers in job growth of any American president? FDR. Jobs grew by a whopping 4.97 percent in his first term (not a war term, by the way—those are peace time numbers). That’s right—it was FDR, the greatest socialist president in American history, just barely ahead of Barack […]

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Obama’s Perfect Track Record on Crony Capitalism

It seems like Obama would try to be a little less transparent about the crony capitalism that has marked his administration. But apparently, it doesn’t matter to his supporters what he does. A tip for big corporations jockeying for favors from Obama’s DoJ: Make sure you donate heavily to the Democratic Party and/or Obama favorites. […]

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GM is Alive; At Least Twelve GM Owners Are Not

For me, the most frustrating part of the massive bailout for the failing big businesses of America (like GM and the big banking interests) is not how much money the taxpayers had to shell out (though that was rather frustrating). It’s one simple fact—the bailouts propped up businesses that should have died. The bailouts rewarded […]

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States with Highest Income Inequality Voted for Obama

Curious fact: in 2012, four years after Obama took office the first time, the states that had the absolute highest rates of income inequality voted for Obama (again). Now, before you commit a fallacy of causation, let me remind you that correlation and causation are two different things. So, the fact that states with high […]

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