Alabama Blogger Roger Shuler Jailed for Writing About Ex-Governor’s Son

Roger Shuler was recently jailed at the tail end of a fairly protracted battle against the Alabama political establishment. The story goes like this: Shuler writes a blog about political stuff. He apparently found out through undisclosed sources that Rob Riley, son of Bob Riley—former Republican governor of Alabama, had an affair. Shuler mentions it […]

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A (Not So) New Debt Deal

Well, the Senate has finally hammered out a new debt deal to raise the debt ceiling and fund an increasingly non-essential government. So if the House passes the legislation, everything in Washington will be hunky dory. Except for one small detail overlooked by pretty much everyone in the Senate but Rand Paul: You can’t spend […]

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Bear Stearns Executives Rewarded for Failure

Many of the Bear Stearns executives responsible for the subprime mortgage fiasco that set off a worldwide economic downturn didn’t have to share in the financial ruin they helped precipitate. In other words, these captains didn’t go down with the sinking ship. In fact, they jumped off Bear Stearns and started piloting other major American […]

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Hillary Clinton Really Angry that Huma is so Much Like Her

The New York Post reports that sources close to Bill and Hillary Clinton say they are angry about favorable comparisons being drawn between Hillary and Huma Abedin: “The Clintons are upset with the comparisons that the Weiners seem to be encouraging—that Huma is ‘standing by her man’ the way Hillary did with Bill, which is […]

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Monsanto Corporate Officer Wins “World Food Prize”

Monsanto chief technology officer Robert Fraley was awarded the World Food Prize (the agrarian equivalent of a Nobel Prize) for his technological contributions to food. In other words, for his work developing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). He won this prize because many people (including the illustrious Bill Gates) think that GMOs will end the world hunger […]

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