Google “Partnering” with Corrupt FDA to Regulate Online Pharmacies

An article in the National Journal has the headline “How Google is Trying to Protect Your Drug Supply.” That sounds nice doesn’t it? Your drug supply. The article outlines how Google is now partnering with federal agencies (mostly the FDA) to make sure that dangerous drugs don’t get into the hands of poor, unsuspecting citizens […]

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Comcast, Lobbyists, and Revolving Doors

There’s a deal on the table for Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable, which would make Comcast by far the biggest cable provider in the nation. And there is a lot of back and forth as to whether or not that would be a good thing. A few anti-trust pundits think the merger is bad […]

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What They Call Capitalism Isn’t Capitalism At All

When most leftists and liberals decry the current American system, they talk about income inequality, corporate welfare, big business lobbying, and the like. They tend to call these things “the evils of capitalism” or something similar. Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that leftists and liberals are wrong to […]

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The Majority of Congress Members are Millionaires

Well, you can add another moniker to the list for everyone’s least favorite Congress of all time. We already have “Do-Nothing Congress.” Now, there’s “Congress of Millionaires.” That’s right. In a time when unemployment is worse than ever (having dipped unexpectedly in December) and economic times are tough for the majority of Americans, the majority […]

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Italian Fiat Finishes Buying Out Taxpayer-Funded Chrysler

Remember how Obama summed up his first-term successes with the pithy “Bin Laden’s dead and GM is alive”? Well, I think reports of GM’s life have been greatly exaggerated. ((And for that matter, where’s Osama’s body?)) Fiat just finished buying out Chrysler, propped up by billions of your tax dollars. One of the big three, […]

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Citizens of Iceland Overthrow Government Over Bank Fraud

Consider a country where banking interests balloon debt by lending to people who cannot possibly pay back their loans. These toxic assets then threaten to destroy the national economy. Banking interests plead with the civil government to rescue them for the sake of the economy. The civil government bails them out with taxpayer money. Sound […]

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Net Neutrality Threatened By Federal Court Decision

According to an article in Wired, net neutrality is being threatened by an impending decision by the DC Circuit court, apparently the highest court in the land second only to the Supreme Court. Net neutrality is the doctrine that ISPs like Comcast and AT&T may not play favorites with some sites over others, and that […]

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Bernie Sanders, Leftist “Logic,” and Social Security

In an article in USA Today, ((I think it is odd how many politicians write partisan opinion pieces for major news outlets. It seems obvious to me that fair and unbiased news is less than likely to come from professional liars with a vested interest in swaying public opinion. But alas…)) Bernie Sanders, the Democrat […]

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