FDA Relaxes Rules for Homosexual Blood Donors … They Say It’s Still Not Enough

The FDA recently relaxed its rules for homosexuals who want to donate blood. Apparently, homosexuals are now allowed to give blood if they have refrained from homosexual contact for a year. But homosexuals and activists say this new rule is still too restrictive and discriminatory: “The revised policy is still discriminatory,” said a statement from the […]

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McDonald’s, the Grand Trump Denial, and Our Impending National Humiliation

McDonald’s is the butt of a lot of jokes. Especially ones that involve tacky, horrible, ugly things that people still buy anyway. Comedian Jim Gaffigan has a whole routine on his embarrassing love for McDonald’s: I reference McDonald’s a lot ’cause I go to McDonalds. I love the silence that follows that statement—like I just […]

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (with SPOILERS)

Bottom line: Star Wars: The Force Awakens does an admirable job of resetting the franchise, while suffering at times from its unswerving devotion to the original formula. Honestly, given all the hype leading up to this movie, I wasn’t sure it could deliver. It did. It sounds like Star Wars. It looks like Star Wars. […]

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Introducing Paul Ryan Boehner the Second

Paul Ryan is our new John Boehner. He just proved that by overseeing the latest $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill which gained widespread bipartisan support and flew through both houses of Congress. Ryan might actually be worse than Boehner. People knew Boehner was a rat traitor. They don’t know that about Ryan yet, so he […]

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Would You Support the Bombing of Agrabah?

Public Policy Polling asked primary voters all over the country an important foreign policy question leading up to the 2016 elections: Do you support or oppose the bombing of Agrabah? Apparently 30% of Republicans said they would support the bombing of Agrabah, while 19% of Democrats said they were also in favor. Most respondents were […]

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Obama’s Anti-Terror Strategy is to Keep Losing Like We Have Been

Obama’s commitment to continue the current American anti-terror strategy has managed to upset both sides of the argument. At this point, Obama doesn’t have much to lose. He has a dwindling number of final days in the Oval Office, and he has made it clear that he intends to pursue his own brand of policy […]

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Trump at 41% … Who are the Real Low-Information Voters?

Donald Trump has 41% of Republican voters on his side. My mind is reeling from the possibility that Donald Trump has a real chance of being the Republican candidate for president of the United States. That means that Donald Trump just might be the next person to occupy the Oval Office. Yes. This guy: via […]

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Relativists Love-Hate Sex-Violence and Embattled Porn Star James Deen

You know things are bad when one of the most logically consistent voices coming from the left is an alleged serial rapist and pornographer. James Deen, who has starred in over 2,000 pornographic films, recently responded to allegations that he had raped a growing list of ex-girlfriends and co-stars. I’m not writing about this story because […]

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Planes, Guns, and Automobiles: Perceived Safety and Irrational Fears

My brother-in-law has never flown in an airplane. He’s terrified of the idea. But he’s a big fan of driving. It’s basically useless to tell him the statistical reality that flying is probably safer than driving: In absolute numbers, driving is more dangerous, with more than 5 million accidents compared to 20 accidents in flying. […]

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Why Christian Terrorism is an Oxymoron While Islamic Terrorism is a Truism

In the wake of the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, many political commentators have been quick to criticize Republicans for being unwilling to call Robert Lewis Dear a “Christian terrorist” though those same Republicans want to call ISIS and its agents “Islamic terrorists.” Here’s a representative example of this argument from (of course) Think Progress: But […]

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