A Song for Corporate Confession

I wrote a song today for corporate confession in worship. I recognize many of its lines might make churchgoers uncomfortable, but this song is actually tame compared to some of the things God has seen fit to speak through the Old and New Testament prophets. Please let me know how you think it can be improved before it […]

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Voluntary Submission: The Art of Becoming Bigger than Yourself

Does submission constrain the will or expand it? Can you submit to God without submitting to other people? Can voluntary submission change your tastes?

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Three Keys to Success that Oppose Faith, Hope, and Love

What anti-virtues oppose the Christian triad of faith, hope, and love? What can be learned about the Christian life by exploring their earthly benefits?

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“Blessed are the Poor in Spirit”: The Wisdom in Suffering

How does God use the weak and foolish things to overthrow the mighty and wise? What is blessed about poverty of spirit? What is the insight of suffering?

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Are You an “Ought To” or a “Want To” Christian?

Have you ever wondered how David, apparently a man after God’s own heart, found himself capable of flagrant acts of adultery and murder? Have you ever wondered how David could still be a believer after all that? Think about if a similar scandal were to come to light in our day: if some mega-pastor were […]

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