Are You a Hypocrite for Supporting Gun Rights and Opposing Abortion?

Lots of leftists love to point out the “blatant hypocrisy” of supporting gun rights (or the death penalty, on a different topic) while opposing abortion. Recently, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah commented: Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more, well, pro-life. But right now, [pro-lifers are] more like comic […]

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Do States With More Gun Laws Have Fewer Gun Deaths?

Obama made this statement in the aftermath of the Oregon shooting, probably in an effort to convince an already reeling American public to support more gun laws: We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun laws don’t work, or just will make […]

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The Difference Between Tim Tebow and Michael Sam

Tim Tebow and Michael Sam both had storied college football careers and both now find themselves cut from their dream jobs in the NFL. But they have reacted to their situations a bit differently. When Tebow was cut from the Eagles in his most recent chance to become an NFL quarterback, he responded to the […]

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The Resurgence of Bacha Bazi: How Our War in Afghanistan Put Homosexual Pedophiles Back in Power

The practice of “bacha bazi” goes back many hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years in the Middle East and Asia. Many powerful warlords and rich merchants have long held to a surprising sexual perspective: “Women are for children. Boys are for pleasure.” It might be hard for us to wrap our heads around this, but our […]

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John Boehner to Resign Before Halloween … What Should We Expect Next?

Speaker of the House John Boehner has finally decided to resign after about four years as the Republican leader of the House of Representatives. His departure has elicited a mixed reaction. Many establishment (moderate) Republicans and Democrats have expressed sadness over the breach in the GOP, while more hardline conservatives have been unabashedly rejoicing. But one thing […]

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Hillary Clinton Says to Vote Pragmatically, Even if You’re Not Excited

Hillary Clinton recently sat for an interview with Lena Dunham from the HBO series Girls. During the interview, Clinton had some advice for less-than-enthusiastic voters: Whenever I’m talking to young women about politics, I always say, look, you don’t have to run for office, you don’t have to be actively involved, but you do have […]

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Why It’s Easy to Believe in Socialism Today

It’s easy to believe in socialism in modern America. It’s easy to hear about everyone working together for the common good, the government making sure everyone plays nice, and free and affordable everything for everyone and think, “Well that sounds like a great idea.” But the only reason it is so easy to believe is […]

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Transgender “Woman” Upset with Handling by TSA

A man who now self-identifies as a transgender woman is upset that the TSA detained him/her for a while because of an “anomaly” with their scanner. That “anomaly” was the man’s penis. But he’s upset the TSA wanted him to go through the scanners as a man. Because it was embarrassing and all that. And […]

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The Lie at the Heart of the #ShoutYourAbortion Campaign

There’s a simple and tragic lie at the heart of the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign. If you haven’t heard of it, #ShoutYourAbortion is a “viral” campaign attempting to encourage women who have had abortions to be open about the positive experiences they’ve had terminating their pregnancies at Planned Parenthood. The reasoning behind the campaign runs thusly, as […]

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Why Alcohol is Legal Federally and Marijuana is Not

During the second Republican playground shouting match debate, Carly Fiorina had some words to say about alcohol and marijuana: We are misleading young people when we tell them that marijuana is just like having a beer. It’s not. Fiorina is exactly right, one way or the other. Let’s investigate further to determine why marijuana and alcohol […]

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