People Basically Agree on What’s Stupid

A fascinating new study conducted by Aczel Balazs, a professor at the Institute of Psychology at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, reveals that, no matter their backgrounds, most people completely agree on what is and isn’t stupid: For each story, [test subjects] answered a range of questions, which included ones like “Would you describe this particular action […]

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Hillary Clinton … the Gambler’s Choice for Next President

Love her or hate her, Hillary Clinton is far and away the gambler’s choice for next president. According to the odds, Hillary Clinton is a clear favorite, not just beating out her nearest competitor, but nearly beating out the entire field of her competitors combined. Ouch: If you had to bet $100 on any single […]

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Hillary Clinton Re-Enlisting Her Terribly Fake Southern Accent

Apparently, Hillary Clinton didn’t get quite enough derision for faking a southern accent in the lead up to the 2008 Presidential Election. She’s at it again, and boy is it bad: Hillary Clinton has started faking a Southern drawl to speak to Southerners, just as she did during her last presidential run eight years ago. […]

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Social Skills Have Never Been More Important … or More Rare

Two trends have become clear recently which, in conjunction, should give us pause concerning the future of America. Trend one: robots are replacing human workers, and the only currently expanding market requires social skills: David Deming, an associate professor of education and economics at Harvard University, has found that jobs requiring social interaction are growing […]

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Social Security Will Not Get Cost of Living Adjustment in 2016

People on Social Security “benefits” will not see a cost-of-living increase in 2016. This is only the third time since 1975 that this has happened, and Social Security recipients are not happy about it for obvious reasons: The annual cost of living adjustment, or COLA, is based on the government’s measure of inflation. This year’s […]

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Has Breast Cancer Awareness Reduced Breast Cancer Fatalities?

Short answer: not really. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure the pink ribbons, pink uniforms, bumper stickers, and no-bra days have “raised awareness” about breast cancer. The question is, has it actually done anything to reduce breast cancer deaths? At least according to Laurie Becklund, a journalist who died of breast cancer last year, Breast […]

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Climate Change “Denial” is Worse than Holocaust Denial?

According to the Ministry of Labels over at the Associated Press, I am now officially a climate change “doubter.” Choosing to avoid the inflammatory “denier” label, but not willing to crown me with the honored laurel of “skeptic,” the AP style guide recommends that I be called a climate change doubter instead. Not everyone is […]

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The Tragic Demise of a Rare Moustached Kingfisher, or Why Science Prefers Things Dead Rather than Alive

An ornithologist named Chris Filardi is coming under fire for “collecting” a rare specimen of moustached kingfisher during a scientific expedition to the Solomon Islands. “Collecting” in this case meant killing. And people were not very happy about it: “Killing ‘in the name of conservation’ or ‘in the name of education’ or ‘in the name […]

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Finally: Hillary Clinton Admits She’s a Robot

I thought Al Gore would have cracked first, but Hillary Clinton recently stunned Buzzfeed’s Another Round with the straightforward admission that she is in fact a robot built in a Palo Alto garage. Just as we always suspected: HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. […]

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Are You a Hypocrite for Supporting Gun Rights and Opposing Abortion?

Lots of leftists love to point out the “blatant hypocrisy” of supporting gun rights (or the death penalty, on a different topic) while opposing abortion. Recently, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah commented: Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more, well, pro-life. But right now, [pro-lifers are] more like comic […]

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