There Are No Half Measures That Can Fix Gun Violence

The main problem with all of the proposed fixes for gun violence in the US is that only extreme measures will make any difference, and extreme measures aren’t going to fly in centrist central DC. Let’s look at the polar extreme fixes that might work: 1) Absolute totalitarianism Now hold on before you get all […]

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Waning Blue Laws and the Changing Church

The church’s place in American society is changing. A recent AP article declared that the church’s influence in the once Christian-dominated Bible Belt has greatly eroded in recent years. But I take some issue with this declaration. The metric for the church’s influence was largely based on blue laws: you know, the laws that keep […]

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Even if Climate Change Theory is False, We’re Still Harming the Environment

One of the biggest problems with the left’s emphasis on climate change is the fact that skeptics end up throwing out all environmental concerns on the basis of the “flimsy evidence” for global warming. That’s unfortunate, because the reality is that we are actually doing a lot of damage to the environment, even if the […]

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Binge Watching TV Connected to Early Onset Idiocy

A new study indicates that binge watching television, when combined with very little exercise, degenerates your mental capacities at an astonishing rate, even in very young people. So, in case you were wondering why the Netflix and chill generation seems like a teeming horde of slack-jawed mouth breathers, now you know: Researchers at the Northern […]

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Keep Telling Yourself You Live in a Free Country

“Land of the free, home of the brave” doesn’t apply to the US anymore, but don’t tell that to the brainwashed sheeple still singing it at the top of their lungs. The flat fact is that we’re not brave, no matter which side of the aisle we’re cowering in. As a country, we are motivated […]

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Does Robert Lewis Dear Really Represent Pro-Lifers?

Hours after purported pro-life activist Robert Lewis Dear killed three and wounded nine at a Colorado Planned Parenthood facility on Friday, pro-choice activists were already blaming the shooting on pro-life rhetoric. Is this connection fair? There are many threads to this discussion. First, the only evidence we have that Dear was motivated by hatred for […]

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Pew Survey: The Feds and the Media Have Most Negative Impact on America

Of all the things that have a negative impact on the United States, from terrorists to criminals to drugs to whatever, the top two things Americans claim have the most negative impact on America are the federal government (if you include Congress) and the media: An extensive new Pew Research Center survey finds that 65 […]

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Gmail Filters Warn that Bernie Sanders Campaign Email is a Phishing Scam

If you were waiting for the day when computers finally proved they were more discerning than humans, it’s your lucky day. Gmail has automated filters to mark various spam and scam emails as either suspicious or junk, and it turns out that some of the language in Bernie Sanders’ most recent campaign newsletter automatically triggered […]

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Donald Trump Wants to do What with American Muslims?

So in another Twilight Zone episode of history repeating itself, Donald Trump is not ruling out tagging, logging, and tracking every Muslim in the US just in case one might be a terrorist: “Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to […]

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