Why Are Millennials Losing Their Religion?

A new Pew Research poll indicates that American Millennials are losing trust in the positive impact of churches on society: Younger generations tend to have more-positive views than their elders of a number of institutions that play a big part in American society. But for some institutions – such as churches and the news media […]

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Ben Carson and Donald Trump: The Accidental Bully and the Oscar Wilde Gentleman

The GOP has a reputation for being filled with a bunch of great big old meanies. In the past few days, Donald Trump and Ben Carson have been both accidentally and intentionally feeding that reputation. Let’s begin with poor Ben Carson who, in an apparent attempt to create rapport with a group of fifth-graders, encouraged them […]

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Shocking Surprise: Minimum Wage Hikes Increase Unemployment

I know this will come as a real shock to our regular readers, but it turns out that increasing minimum wage doesn’t actually help the poor very much. It just increases the workload on fewer employees. In other words, it stimulates unemployment: The study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that minimum […]

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The Cost of Conservative Incrementalism: The Foredoomed Bill that Repeals ObamaCare and Defunds Planned Parenthood

The House just passed a bill that would repeal ObamaCare and defund Planned Parenthood. Don’t rejoice just yet because it means almost nothing. Yes, there is basically no way it will actually accomplish anything at all: Congress sent an ObamaCare repeal bill to the president’s desk for the first time on Wednesday, marking an election-year […]

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What One Lesbian’s Unanswered Question to Ben Carson Can Teach Us

A woman waded through the crowds at a Town Hall meeting in New York to ask Ben Carson just one question. She had thought long and hard on this question to maximize its impact. She was after all going to be talking to the man who just might be the next president of the United […]

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Obama Issues First of Twenty-Three Promised Executive Orders to “Curb Gun Violence”

We now have one of the first of twenty-three promised “gun-violence-curbing” executive orders from President Obama. This one encourages mental health practitioners to report any patient information to the FBI which would disqualify that patient from owning a gun under Federal law: While the 1993 Brady law prohibits gun ownership by individuals who have been […]

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There’s Now a Vaginal Speaker that Plays In-Womb Tunes to Unborn Babies

Just file this under “what-in-the-cocaine-fueled-late-night-marketing-brainstorm-session-is-that-Batman.” Prepare yourself. Apparently, there is a significant demographic of aspiring parents who want to ensure their unborn baby doesn’t have his in-utero-tertainment muffled by the annoying abdominal wall of his mother. Not to worry, you crazy people, Babypod is here to save the day: Spanish company Babypod has invented a […]

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Are Americans Too Stupid for Democracy to Work?

A new study out of Cornell University indicates that Americans are too stupid for democracy to work: The research, led by David Dunning, a psychologist at Cornell University, shows that incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people’s ideas. For example, if people lack expertise […]

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The Big Short Stands Tall on Explanations, but Gives No Solution

Recognizing that it’s only January, I can already say with some degree of confidence that The Big Short is the best movie that’s going to be released this year. As a movie, it succeeds on every level. The acting, directing, editing, cinematography, music, pacing, and script are all superb. The movie has an eclectic range […]

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The Click Clique, Ad Blockers, and the Future of the Internet

I’ll tell you a secret. I have never intentionally clicked on an internet ad. Not once in my whole life. I know that probably seems strange to you given the fact that I write for a site that makes the entirety of its income from ad revenue. But it’s the truth. I don’t watch television […]

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