Video Games … the New Spectator Sport?

You probably have at least one in your family. A young man (or more rarely, young woman) who plays video games all day long. Some of them even have a hope that they’ll be able to make a living off of it eventually. That dream may not be too far from a reality. Video games […]

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Are Most Psychology Experiments Junk Science?

A recent study attempted to replicate the findings of one hundred journal-published, peer-reviewed psychology experiments. The results were overwhelmingly underwhelming: All of the experiments the scientists repeated appeared in top ranking journals in 2008 and fell into two broad categories, namely cognitive and social psychology. Cognitive psychology is concerned with basic operations of the mind, […]

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Do Republican Voters Want to Decriminalize Marijuana?

A recent poll posted in Marijuana Majority indicates that a large number of Republicans think the Federal government should honor state marijuana laws: According to the poll, Republican voters believe the next president should do more to respect state marijuana laws without interfering. An even higher percentage of Democrats and independents expressed the same opinion, […]

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Butthurt Police Don’t Understand How to Take Criticism from Their Employers

The Dallas Police Department is “mentally beat down,” according to its Rob Pinkston, president of the Dallas Police Association. Amid the recent nationwide backlash against police brutality, numerous local criticisms have apparently taken their toll on department morale: The head of the Dallas Police Association tells CBS 11 News that longer 911 response times can […]

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I Really Hope Our Next President is Boring

I’m really hoping our next president, whoever he may be, is a total snooze-fest. Recently, Donald Trump criticized Jeb Bush for being “boring” and “low-energy”: “He is doing so poorly in the polls that he is now starting to spend some of the money that his ‘bosses,’ special interests and lobbyists have given him to […]

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Does Anyone Really Know What’s Going on with The Economy?

“The Economy” might just be my least favorite over-simplification ever, right behind “Science,” “they say,” and “the Government.” What exactly is The Economy? Before you react with, “Well, of course everyone knows what the economy is,” I just want you to think about it. Define The Economy. It’s kind of hard, right? The problem is […]

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Why the Planned Parenthood “Investigations” Are a Smoke Screen

Planned Parenthood has recently been defending itself on the basis that five states have concluded investigations of their practices and found no evidence of wrongdoing: Pennsylvania has found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood in the state after a review, according to a letter from the state health department. That decision makes it the fifth state […]

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Should There Be an Abortion Exception in the Case of Rape?

Human Rights organizations were in an uproar when the government of Paraguay refused to allow a then 10-year-old rape victim to get an abortion, despite the international outcry and the fervent requests of her mother. The girl, going under the pseudonym Mainumby, recently gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She had a C-section because […]

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Is Facebook Manipulating its Trending Feature to Protect Planned Parenthood?

Facebook has a feature called “Trending Topics” which indicates what topics are most popular on Facebook at any given time. This Facebook feature purports to be controlled entirely by user data, but a recent article in Lifesite News indicates that Facebook is manipulating the feature in order to protect Planned Parenthood in the wake of the […]

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Miley Cyrus Thinks Taylor Swift is a Bad Role Model … Because Guns

We live in a weird world. Recently, Miley Cyrus criticized the role model status of Taylor Swift because Swift featured guns in one of her music videos: “That’s supposed to be a good example?” Cyrus said in an interview with Marie Claire published Friday. “And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with […]

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