Are We Witnessing the End of the Church’s Tax-Exempt Status?

For all the talk of separation of church and state, it seems most people don’t understand that concept cuts both ways. Most people think it means that the church should have no influence on the state, not vice versa. And in the wake of the same-sex marriage ruling, some commentators are calling for the end of […]

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Should We Just Delete History that Offends Us?

In light of our “politically correct” need to expunge away anything that offends us, I thought this harrowing excerpt from George Orwell’s 1984 might be apropos: Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And […]

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The Rise of Black Teen Terrorists

Many black teenagers don’t have enough to do apparently. In Macon, Georgia recently, a small horde of teen terrorists stormed a local Wal-Mart late at night and started destroying stuff for no reason: Surveillance video of a wee-hours ruckus at a Macon Wal-Mart on Sunday shows a teenager race inside flashing gang signs ahead of […]

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