Was Congress’ “Warning” Letter to Iran an Act of Treason?

Some bloggers and twitts are calling a 47-member Congressional letter to Iran an act of treason. Some Congress members, led by freshman Tom Cotton (R-AR), informed Iran that any deal reached without Congressional approval would not necessarily be honored in the long-term. First, let’s talk about the letter itself. There are a few things that need […]

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Sheriffs Suing CO to Overturn Amendment 64 and End Legal Pot

Sheriffs from Colorado, and a few neighboring states, are suing Colorado in order to overturn Amendment 64, the state amendment that legalized recreational marijuana in the state. The reasons for the lawsuit are quite interesting. Sheriffs allege that upholding Amendment 64 violates the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, putting local law enforcement at odds […]

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Democrats Playing Guard Dog for Jellyfish Boehner

Why would Democrats agree to protect the Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, from his opponents in the GOP? That’s a really good question. Perhaps this explains it a little: A number of right-wing Republicans, long wary of Boehner’s commitment to GOP efforts attacking President Obama’s policy priorities, have openly considered a coup in […]

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FBI Statistics on Police Homicides Are Way Off

Apparently, the FBI statistics on police homicides, that is, the number of people killed by police, are way, way off: The first-ever attempt by US record-keepers to estimate the number of uncounted “law enforcement homicides” exposed previous official tallies as capturing less than half of the real picture. The new estimate – an average of […]

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The Direct Line Between Lobbying the DHS and Getting Defense Contracts

The top five contractors for the DHS, in terms of the value of defense contracts, spent millions on lobbying and political contributions to receive almost $9 billion worth of DHS contracts: MapLight looked into the contracts awarded by the DHS to the top 5 contractors and these contractors’ political spending. These companies were chosen because […]

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NYPD Comm. Bratton Blames NY Homicide Increases on Pot

Maybe NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has been toking on a little bit of the devil’s lettuce himself. I don’t know. But he apparently thinks a slight eight week rise in New York homicides is connected somehow to legalized pot: The seemingly innocent drug that’s been legalized around the country. In this city, people are […]

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The Final Price of War in the Middle East … $6 Trillion!

There are many reasons we shouldn’t be waging wars in the Middle East. But one of the most compelling at this point should be that we just can’t afford it. According to a recent study, our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will have a final cost of nearly $6 trillion: “As a consequence of these […]

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Does it Matter that Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email for State Business?

It recently came out that Hillary Clinton was conducting all of her state business through a personal email account (and even her own server) while she was Secretary of State, apparently breaking the rules for state correspondence: Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides […]

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FBI Raids Peaceful Republic of Texas Political Meeting

The Republic of Texas is a secessionist group in, you guessed it, Texas that is committed to seeing the state secede from the Union. Because its members believe that the federal government no longer serves the interests of the people. As if to confirm that this was in fact the case, the FBI raided a […]

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Private Security Firms on the Rise, Replacing Local Police

In 2012, the township of Sharpstown, Texas fired its police force and hired SEAL, a private security firm, to patrol the town. As you would expect, the town is now a hotbed of crony corruption, the private police are costing citizens an arm and a leg, and the crime rate has shot through the roof. […]

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