Reading to the End: Why Most Christians Would Be Atheists if They Knew Only a Little More

Bryan John Appleby’s debut LP, Fire on the Vine, opens with “Noah’s Nameless Wife,” a deeply disturbing personal portrait of Noah’s Flood. If you haven’t listened to it before, go ahead and do that. I’ll wait. Imagine the tumult of countless men, women, and children crying, moaning, and groaning into the air above the rising […]

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The Mysterious Paradox of Liberal Tolerance

For many years, every time I saw a “Coexist” bumper sticker, I would get perturbed in my spirit, and I didn’t really know why. It wasn’t that I felt criticized. Particularly speaking, I’m an open and forgiving sort. I love discourse and conversation, and the command to “coexist” with people who disagreed with me didn’t […]

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