Creationist Finds Fossils, Fails to See Irony

The Washington Post recently published an article about a creationist, Edgar Nernberg, who recently found a few fish fossils. The author apparently thought this fact—a creationist finding fossils—held some deep irony. The title of the piece was “Whoops! A creationist museum supporter stumbled upon a major fossil find.” Why whoops? The patronization, finger-wagging, insult, self-satisfaction, […]

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Evolutionists Continue Their War on Science

Evolutionists have carefully manicured a grand pretense that most Americans rarely question: that the materialists in white lab coats are dedicated to neutrally observing the evidence and the facts without any ideological or religious prejudices to cloud their clear judgment. Ancillary to this pretense is the lie that Christian scientists, blinded by religious bias, cannot […]

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Gravity Waves, the Big Bang, and Creationism

The science world was rocked by the recent news that gravitational waves, the ripples in space time predicted by the Big Bang theory, have in fact been detected by scientists: What’s more, researchers discovered direct evidence for the first time of what Albert Einstein predicted in his general theory of relativity: Gravitational waves.   These […]

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Bill Nye and Ken Ham to Debate Creationism

On February 4, Billy Nye “the science guy” will visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky to debate Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis. Ham invited Nye mostly because of Nye’s controversial YouTube video in which he claimed that teaching creationism was bad for kids. In his blog, Ham said: Because our ministry theme for […]

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