Has Breast Cancer Awareness Reduced Breast Cancer Fatalities?

Short answer: not really. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure the pink ribbons, pink uniforms, bumper stickers, and no-bra days have “raised awareness” about breast cancer. The question is, has it actually done anything to reduce breast cancer deaths? At least according to Laurie Becklund, a journalist who died of breast cancer last year, Breast […]

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Climate Change “Denial” is Worse than Holocaust Denial?

According to the Ministry of Labels over at the Associated Press, I am now officially a climate change “doubter.” Choosing to avoid the inflammatory “denier” label, but not willing to crown me with the honored laurel of “skeptic,” the AP style guide recommends that I be called a climate change doubter instead. Not everyone is […]

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The Tragic Demise of a Rare Moustached Kingfisher, or Why Science Prefers Things Dead Rather than Alive

An ornithologist named Chris Filardi is coming under fire for “collecting” a rare specimen of moustached kingfisher during a scientific expedition to the Solomon Islands. “Collecting” in this case meant killing. And people were not very happy about it: “Killing ‘in the name of conservation’ or ‘in the name of education’ or ‘in the name […]

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Finally: Hillary Clinton Admits She’s a Robot

I thought Al Gore would have cracked first, but Hillary Clinton recently stunned Buzzfeed’s Another Round with the straightforward admission that she is in fact a robot built in a Palo Alto garage. Just as we always suspected: HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. […]

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Are You a Hypocrite for Supporting Gun Rights and Opposing Abortion?

Lots of leftists love to point out the “blatant hypocrisy” of supporting gun rights (or the death penalty, on a different topic) while opposing abortion. Recently, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah commented: Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more, well, pro-life. But right now, [pro-lifers are] more like comic […]

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Do States With More Gun Laws Have Fewer Gun Deaths?

Obama made this statement in the aftermath of the Oregon shooting, probably in an effort to convince an already reeling American public to support more gun laws: We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun laws don’t work, or just will make […]

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The Difference Between Tim Tebow and Michael Sam

Tim Tebow and Michael Sam both had storied college football careers and both now find themselves cut from their dream jobs in the NFL. But they have reacted to their situations a bit differently. When Tebow was cut from the Eagles in his most recent chance to become an NFL quarterback, he responded to the […]

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