Is the Confederate Battle Flag Racist?

Short answer: no. It’s an inanimate object. It’s not racist. Whelp. That was easy. But wait, there’s more. Perhaps some better questions would be: Did the Confederate battle flag stand for racism and slavery to the Confederates? The short answer to this is also no. Most if not all of the people who fought under […]

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North Korea Preloads Gone With the Wind E-Book onto Official Tablet

Yes! North Korea never ceases to amaze me. Apparently, in lieu of iPads, North Korea offers an official internet-free tablet, the Samjiyon, which comes pre-loaded with state-approved games and books. One of the books preloaded onto the tablet is… drumroll please… Gone With the Wind. Classic! And by the way, Gone With the Wind the […]

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Was John Brown the First “Domestic Terrorist”?

John Brown, the famously violent abolitionist, attacked a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. He took possession of its armory, and fully intended to use the weapons from the armory to arm slaves for a revolt. He was stopped by the U.S. Army (led by then Colonel Robert E. Lee), tried in a […]

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