Pundits Quick to Blame Snowden for Paris Attacks

If the aftermath of 9/11 taught us anything, it is that centralized governments slouching toward totalitarianism never let a crisis go to waste. And, in a corollary, citizens are far more credulous and trusting when they have just experienced a trauma. So, in the wake of the Paris attacks, it doesn’t surprise me at all […]

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Obama Admits He Has No Plan for Combating ISIS

Recently, Obama made it clear that he and his administration have no strategy for dealing with ISIS. Anyone who’s been paying attention could have told you that. But it was nice for Obama to make it explicit: [Obama’s] remarks came after days of heated debate inside the top levels of his own national security bureaucracy […]

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After Four Months, Black Supremacist Ayo Kimathi Still Employed by DHS

About four months ago, the DHS found out that Ayo Kimathi, one of their employees, was an avowed black supremacist. Kimathi runs the website “War on the Horizon,” where he posts a bunch of hilariously inflammatory “pro-black” news and recommends the assassination of black-skinned traitors (Uncle Toms) and white people. For some reason, I can’t […]

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TSA Screening Policies Work Little Better than Chance

A new study conducted by the Government Accountability Office confirms what the vast majority of Americans could have told you without thinking: the TSA’s behavioral screening program, SPOT, is not effective in singling out real threats to airline safety. The report cites both recent and decades-old research that “found that the human ability to accurately […]

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