Rick Perry: ‘Running for President is Not an IQ Test’

For once, I would like to hear an interview with a potential presidential candidate and not cringe. I wish I were talking about leftists alone. I’m not. It seems like the Republican candidates for the last few years have been similarly idiotic. Sure, some of them have some good talking points, but more and more […]

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Ivy League Students Mock Rick Perry About Anal Sex

Some students at Dartmouth College, an apparently prestigious Ivy League school, decided to harangue visiting Texas governor Rick Perry with juvenile jibes unfit for the stupidest playground altercation. These students were so upset by Rick Perry and his stance on homosexuality, that they planned to spend the entire question and answer time derailing actual political […]

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Is Rick Perry Right About Homosexuals?

Rick Perry recently came under fire for some comments he made likening homosexuality to alcoholism: Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the […]

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