Patrick Stewart Backs the Beleaguered Bakers Crucified by Liberal Media

Occasionally even a Hollywood insider can use his brain and come to logically sound conclusions. Such is the case with Patrick Stewart, who recently came out in support of the Christian owners of Ashers Bakery in Oregon, who were recently fined for “discrimination”: Stewart argued that nobody should be forced to write specific text that […]

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Same-Sex Marriage Study Forced to Retract Its Results

If you’ve been following the same-sex marriage debate, you’ve probably noticed a trend. In an effort to establish the legitimacy of their particular agenda, each side of the argument has released studies and statistics that support their view. But a recent same-sex marriage study published in Science (which has to be one of the most […]

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Australian Judge Endorses Incest

The dominoes of heteronormativity are falling. Many of my leftist friends (yes, I have a few) accused me of the slippery slope fallacy when I told them the normalization of homosexuality would lead to the eventual acceptance of other “formerly” aberrant sexual practices like pedophilia, bestiality, and incest. Well, sometimes what looks like a slippery […]

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Is Rick Perry Right About Homosexuals?

Rick Perry recently came under fire for some comments he made likening homosexuality to alcoholism: Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the […]

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Transgender is the New Gay

Most of us knew this day was coming. We warned homosexual activists that the path toward “gay” “marriage” would open up a Pandora’s box of social issues with none but an arbitrary legal boundary. Well, apparently it’s already begun, even before the gay marriage issue has been resolved. What’s next? According to TIME magazine, the […]

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An Inconvenient Correlation: Homosexuality and Disease

Leftists are really good at making correlations and ascribing causation when it fits their agenda. Correlation is in fact a very sticky concept. Consider that, from the data, one could make a very good case that there is a correlation between US spending on science, space, and technology and suicides by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation. So […]

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Mozilla, Homosexuals, and Liberal Legislation of Morality

Before he was the new CEO (and now the ex-CEO) for Mozilla (the company behind the Firefox web browser), Brendan Eich made a personal donation to support Proposition 8—the legislation in California intended to define marriage as between one man and one woman. And when homosexual activists found out about it, they decided to boycott […]

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Lesbian Feminist Camille Paglia Defends Masculine Virtues?

This is a rather bizarre turn of events. We live in a country where basically no one is on the side of the classical Western male. Most leftist “historians” claim that dead Anglo-Saxon men are the ultimate source of the world’s most persistent problems, and therefore living men are a continual threat. Honestly, I feel […]

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