Planes, Guns, and Automobiles: Perceived Safety and Irrational Fears

My brother-in-law has never flown in an airplane. He’s terrified of the idea. But he’s a big fan of driving. It’s basically useless to tell him the statistical reality that flying is probably safer than driving: In absolute numbers, driving is more dangerous, with more than 5 million accidents compared to 20 accidents in flying. […]

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There Are No Half Measures That Can Fix Gun Violence

The main problem with all of the proposed fixes for gun violence in the US is that only extreme measures will make any difference, and extreme measures aren’t going to fly in centrist central DC. Let’s look at the polar extreme fixes that might work: 1) Absolute totalitarianism Now hold on before you get all […]

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Are You a Hypocrite for Supporting Gun Rights and Opposing Abortion?

Lots of leftists love to point out the “blatant hypocrisy” of supporting gun rights (or the death penalty, on a different topic) while opposing abortion. Recently, the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah commented: Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being more, well, pro-life. But right now, [pro-lifers are] more like comic […]

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Forfeiture Laws: IRS Can Seize Your Accounts Without Any Criminal Charge

A relatively recent policy update to civil asset forfeiture laws has given the IRS and other law enforcement agencies a new cash cow. Because now they can seize your accounts even without criminal charges or criminal connections: But the Institute for Justice, a Washington-based public interest law firm that is seeking to reform civil forfeiture […]

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The Racial Divide and Concealed-Carry Permits

White people in crime-ridden counties apparently account for the overwhelming majority of concealed-carry permits—up to 90%. An interesting bit of data sheds light on a data correlation between high crime-rate, high black populations, and a dearth of legal guns: If you live in [the] 60624 [ZIP code of Chicago], you don’t expect your streets to […]

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According to Don Lemon, an Automatic Weapon is …

There’s one consistent common factor uniting all gun control advocates. They usually don’t know very much about guns. Whether it’s “30 magazine clips” or the arbitrary definition of “assault weapons,” gun control advocates are regularly just wrong about guns. Don Lemon joined the ranks recently in spectacular fashion. According to Don Lemon, he actually bought […]

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Police Dispatcher to 80-Year-Old: Put Your Gun Down During Home Invasion

A police dispatcher in Florida told an 80-year-old woman to put down her gun during a home invasion. One night, N. J. Logan, an 80-year-old woman who had just undergone hip replacement, was at her house alone. Her husband was out playing bridge when Logan heard a commotion on the first floor of her house. […]

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Obama Loves Australia’s Gun Confiscation Program

In our steady trek toward a progressive socialist country, there is really only one further step in gun control that America can take—outright gun confiscation. Some states have already begun gun registration and all states have gun owner licensing, gun-free zones, and other forms of gun control. But that still isn’t anywhere near as much […]

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Santa Barbara Mass Shooter a Perfect Product of Hollywood

Richard Martinez , a grieving father of one of the victims of the recent Santa Barbara mass shooting, offered his explanation for who was to blame for his son’s death: Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights, what about Chris’s right to live? […]

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Gun-Free Zone Restaurant Robbed … at Gunpoint

Leftists think we’re crazy because of our view on guns. They think a gun-free world is the only safe world. And they would be right if everyone were good. It just turns out they’re not. Good. Or right. In recent news, Chipotle has said it won’t allow people to carry guns into their stores. This […]

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