Google, Thamus, And How Smart We Think We Are

A new study indicates that having access to an unlimited amount of information on Google has had a two-fold effect. First, we don’t remember as much as we once needed to. Yet, second, we think we’re more knowledgeable than we actually are or ever were: Browsing the internet for information gives people a “widely inaccurate” […]

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Google Ramping Up Political Donations

There is no denying it—in our day, corporations are people. That was the argument that protected Hobby Lobby from obeying the contraception mandate of Obamacare. And it’s also the reason why corporations like Google are allowed to give as much as they want to political candidates under free speech laws: Google’s political action committee, NetPAC, has […]

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Right-Wing Google?

According to an article published in PR Watch, Google is giving “substantial” grants to some high-profile right-wing political groups. Corporations are not required to post details concerning their grants and subsidies, but Google decided in 2010 to start voluntarily posting a selection from their grant budget. The figures are interesting, to say the least.  Some […]

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