Patrick Stewart Backs the Beleaguered Bakers Crucified by Liberal Media

Occasionally even a Hollywood insider can use his brain and come to logically sound conclusions. Such is the case with Patrick Stewart, who recently came out in support of the Christian owners of Ashers Bakery in Oregon, who were recently fined for “discrimination”: Stewart argued that nobody should be forced to write specific text that […]

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Will the Supreme Court Force States to Accept Same-Sex Marriage?

Short answer: probably. The Supreme Court heard arguments on same-sex marriage yesterday, and I find it improbable they will come down on the side of states’ rights for this issue. For two-and-a-half hours — more than twice as long as a typical oral argument — the justices weighed two questions: Does the Constitution require states to license […]

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RFRAs, Discrimination, and Equality

A religious freedom bill movement is sweeping the nation in an attempt to protect the free exercise of religion against liberal bullying. And it too is coming up against liberal bullying. Tim Cook is the latest person to argue against religious freedom restoration acts (RFRAs), but he’s not alone. Some cities and states are mulling […]

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Gay Designers Dolce & Gabbana Reject Same-Sex Marriage and Adoption?

The famous fashion duo, and one-time homosexual power couple, Dolce & Gabbana, have come out recently in an interview with Italian magazine Panorama—against gay marriage, gay adoption, and non-traditional families: According to translations, the pair — who dated for 23 years and broke up in 2005 — stated that children born through IVF are “children […]

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Obama Angers Black Pastors by Equating Gay and Civil Rights

In a very powerful, eloquent rhetorical piece marking the fiftieth anniversary of Bloody Sunday, President Obama opined about how far we’ve come in this country and how far we have yet to go. In one section of the speech, he attempted to bring all Americans into one unified character through a prolonged description of the […]

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Has the Supreme Court Already Decided on Gay Marriage?

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas filed a dissenting opinion against the Supreme Court’s most recent ruling on gay marriage. He said the Supreme Court is acting like they have already made up their mind concerning the national future of gay marriage: Thomas filed a dissenting opinion after his colleagues rejected Alabama’s plea to put a […]

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Gay Bakeries Refuse Christian Wedding Cake Requests

It has become well-known that Christian bakers have been targeted by homosexuals for refusing to bake cakes for same-sex weddings. Some of these Christian bakers have been fined by the State, threatened with death or violence by homosexual protestors, and generally harrassed—some to the point of losing their businesses. But what happens when the glove […]

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Elton John Says Jesus Would Have Supported Gay Marriage

We all know Elton John is a homosexual. Even my mom, whose gaydar functions about as well as, was able to figure that out decades ago (maybe it was his glasses or his sequined jackets… hard to tell). So it is not surprising that he himself would be promoting gay marriage “rights” all over […]

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Transgender is the New Gay

Most of us knew this day was coming. We warned homosexual activists that the path toward “gay” “marriage” would open up a Pandora’s box of social issues with none but an arbitrary legal boundary. Well, apparently it’s already begun, even before the gay marriage issue has been resolved. What’s next? According to TIME magazine, the […]

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Supreme Court Halts Homosexual Marriage in Utah

The Supreme Court just hit the pause button on homosexual marriages in Utah. A federal district judge had overruled Utah’s state constitutional ban on homosexual marriage, stating that Utah’s citizens had a federally-protected constitutional right to homosexual marriage if they wanted it. The Supreme Court, in so many words, said “Nuh-uh.” This decision has left […]

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