Jeb Bush a Little Too Transparent: Reveals Floridians’ SSNs

In an attempt to be “transparent,” Jeb Bush released a bunch of emails he has received in the course of his tenure as governor of Florida. The problem is he didn’t redact some SSNs, home addresses, and other personal information. So now some of his constituents could become the victims of identity theft. Oops.

When he released the emails he posted the following message on his website:

In the spirit of transparency, I am posting the emails of my governorship here . . . Some are funny; some are serious; some I wrote in frustration.

What he forgot to mention is some also contain the email addresses, home addresses, social security numbers of Floridians.

The Verge took the liberty of reviewing a lot of the released emails and initially releasing the story. They said the emails contained everything from religious parables, praise of his accomplishments and typical everyday bureaucratic correspondence. The emails also contained a lot of personal information that are a violation of the law.

This seems like an avoidable mistake. The emails were obviously selected and reformatted. So someone somewhere along the line should probably have noted the personal information and removed it. People in the Jeb Bush team are scrambling to blur out the sensitive bits now, but it’s a little too late. They’re already on the interzwebs.

It raises a few other questions. Like why would you even need to post your Social Security number in an email to the governor? What exactly would that accomplish? Does Jeb Bush check the numbers to make sure the person who wrote him the email is a real person, or a real Floridian? I don’t know.

If Jeb Bush is releasing this information as part of his bid to run for president, it’s not an auspicious beginning to his campaign. Although, if recent presidencies are any indication, bungling might be permanently enshrined in the job description.

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