Harmless Clorox Tweet Singled Out by Race Baiters

Give me a break. Clorox posted a technology-relevant tweet mourning their lack of inclusion in Apple’s new emoji palette. It had a picture of a bottle of Clorox bleach composed of emojis. The text for the tweet was, “New emojis are alright but where’s the bleach.”

I have some major issues with this tweet. First, “alright” has not achieved widespread acceptance as a substitute for “all right.” Second, a coordinating conjunction between two independent clauses should be preceded by a comma. Third, interrogative sentences should end with question marks, not periods. Other than that, I have no problems with this tweet. I am apparently alone in that:

Apple’s new iOS 8.3 release consists of 300 new emojis, including . . . racially diverse emojis, including cartoon faces with brown and black skin.

In its tweet, Clorox seemed to be commenting on why bleach wasn’t included among the hundreds of other household items that Apple had added to its list of emojis. But on social media, offense was taken.

“You need to clean up your PR person. Put some bleach on your distasteful marketing ideas,” tweeted @DriNicole. “Black emojis were added today. Saying this implies you’d rather the emojis be only white, by adding bleach.”

Yeah. No. That’s not what they meant. Obviously. But it didn’t matter. They still deleted the tweet and posted an apology. Really, they did: “Wish we could bleach away our last tweet. Didn’t mean to offend — it was meant to be about all the [toilet, bathtub and red wine] emojis that could use a clean up.”

Yes, Clorox. Everyone knew what you were saying. Literally everyone. In fact, no one thought it even could be racist until some idiot said it was racist. For some reason, we just can’t let any opportunity pass by to be offended. It’s becoming our national pastime or something.

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